Chapter 77

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"Ten minutes guys," Karen stuck her head through the hair and make up door, then rushed off in a hurry.

The day had come, the day I dreaded. The past six months had been the best time of my life. This had been an opportunity of a lifetime, and I would always be grateful to MTV for taking a chance on me, and allowing me to travel the world with not only my co-host, but my now best friend.

"How are you feeling babe?" Angus turned from next to me, reaching for my hand.

"Nervous..." I answered honestly. I wasn't not sure why I was nervous, I was quite confident in my hosting abilities now, and I got on well with everyone backstage, but the butterflies as our stylist zipped up my last dress for the tour, took flight again in the pit of my stomach.

"It's our last show together, try not to screw it up," he laughed.

"Me? You try not to screw it up O'Loughlin!" I pushed on his arm, to which he laughed.

"Nah really, you'll do great! You know, as much as I won't miss you abusing me daily, I will miss travelling the world with you, and working with you every day!" He became more serious, and I could already feel the water works coming on.

"We'll still see each other at the office, so it's not like it's goodbye or anything," I tried to brush off his sentimental moment before I really did burst into tears.

"Yeah I know, but it's not really the same. This trip has brought us really close, you're like my pain in the arse sister! Sometimes I just want to throttle you, but I can't imagine life without you. I've watched you mature so much in the last seven months. Remember when you got all pissed at Harry that first London trip we took, and you stopped talking to him just because he didn't call you after your date?" He brought up. Of course he would.

"Don't remind me..." I rolled my eyes, thinking back to how stupid and petty I was.

"Nah but really, you thought that was the end of you and Harry, but I always knew it wasn't! I had a feeling you two would get on well," he continued.

"What has that got to do with anything? Bringing up our first fight I mean?" I questioned him.

"Well if you let me finish!" He chuckled. "I was saying you got pissed at something that seems so little now, but you two have dealt with far worse shit since, and you managed to work it out. I'm just saying you've matured, I have to admit when he cheated and you slept with Ash, I didn't think you guys would come back from that! But you did, which should show you that really nothing can tear you two apart!" I saw his point now. I guess I had matured over the year, and I had Harry to thank for that.

"Plus you have been the peace maker between Gemma and I a fair few times now, you're just a selfless person Jen. You always want other people's happiness, and I admire that about you a lot."

"Well you've been my shoulder to cry on more times than I can count Angus, we've been each other's rocks, and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to have this incredible experience with!" My emotions gave way, and I began to cry. I pulled myself into him, and hugged him tightly.

"Don't get all emotional on me now, this is meant to be a happy moment for us!" He patted the top of my head and I pulled away, wiping my tears.

"Sorry, I knew I'd be emotional today. It's bittersweet- I'm sad it's all ending, but I'm proud of what we've done! The show's been a hit, and it's been an experience of a lifetime! Thank you for everything Angus," I smiled up at him.

"Ditto, kid!" We both laughed since that seemed to be one of his favourite phrases.

"Guys, are you ready?" Karen came into the room in a frantic state.

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