Chapter 53

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Jen's POV

I knew I would have the see Harry again tonight, it hurt my heart to know this would be the first show we were no longer together. The only times I had ever watched him perform was when he was mine, but he wasn't anymore.

I didn't know if I could handle the heartache of hearing him singing the lyrics he sang to me every show. I felt such love, admiration and pride watching him on stage, but tonight I was sure all I would feel is heartache, sadness and emptiness.

My parents were coming tonight, I hadn't told them Harry and I were no longer together. Partly because I didn't want them to hate him, and partly because I was too embarrassed to tell them about Ashton and I. Maybe I was just in denial over the whole thing, and telling them would only confirm we were no longer together.

Even though I told Harry what Ashton and I did it wasn't the same as what he and Abi did, it kind of was. I knew me sleeping with Ashton would kill him inside, but I did it anyway. Only an hour after I had broken up with him. Harry was right when he called me a whore, I sure was acting like one, so I didn't want my parents to find out.

"Mum, dad, over here," I spotted them across the corridor. They both looked at me and smiled, making their way over as I plastered on the fake at smile I could on the outside, while on the inside I was slowly dying inside knowing I would have to see Harry any minute.

"Hi sweetheart," they both greeted me with a hug and kiss, and I lead them to the dressing room. As soon as we walked in Angus came running over and hugged them both.

My parents loved Angus, he often came over for family dinners, or barged into my apartment while they were over. He got on really well with my dad, and my mum treated him like one of her own.

My heart immediately stopped when I spotted Harry standing with Gemma. I didn't know what to do or say after yesterday's events. It was wrong to kiss him back and give him false hope, it was worse than wrong, it was cruel.

I wanted desperately to forget everything that had happened the last few days, and go back to a time we were happy. I knew I couldn't forgive him that easily though, my heart hurt every time I thought about what he did.

"Harry, hello mate nice to see you again," my dad greeted him, followed by my mum. I loved that my parents adored him, because regardless of what happened, he was an amazing guy. An amazing guy with a wicked streak deep inside him, that got the better of him in a moment of weakness.

While I was at my parents house sulking over him, my mum tried to reassure me over and over that we would work things out. I didn't tell her any details, she just knew we were fighting.

I listened to her say to Harry how she hoped we worked things out. He glared at me slightly with sadness in his eyes, and I looked away.

"Well actually we-" Harry began to say, I didn't want him to finish that and tell them we broke up, so I quickly cut him off and rushed to his side.

"We're good!" I plastered on my fakest smile I could muster up, and wrapped my arm around his waist. I stood up on my tip toes, and made it look like I was kissing his cheek.

"Just play along please," I whispered in his ear, and he kissed the side of my head. On impulse I slightly jerked away from him, and I knew he noticed because he tensed up next to me.

My mum continued to talk to him about our relationship, and once she was done Harry excused himself and left the room. This was hard on me, but I knew it would be just as hard on him. He was sensitive, and I knew how sorry he was and how much he did love me, but if I gave in and just forgave him right away, what would that say about me as a person?

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