Chapter 3

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Jen's POV

I slowly woke up to the sound of my alarm, still a little tired from the flight earlier. I laid there for a couple of minutes listening to the song playing through my phone, wiping the sleep from my eyes wishing I could stay in this position for the rest of the day. I was still nervous about today, but a little more relaxed than I was twenty four hours ago.

After an internal battle with myself, I finally got up and walked straight to my suitcase to unpack. We were only here for five days, but judging by the sight in front of me, it would seem we were here for a month.

"A girl has to be prepared for any situation" I told myself while packing to justify my choice of packing eight dresses. I knew it was ridiculous, I knew I'd never need all eight, but you never know, you might fall in love, and need options for a date. I chuckled at that thought.

I made my way to the dresser, hanging up my dresses and tops so they would not crease further. Staring at the sight in front of me, I skimmed through my options of what I would wear today. Usually it was simple to get dressed to film, we had stylists at the studios who would pick my outfits out, but here I was alone and indecisive.

As I went to grab my cut off Rolling Stones shirt I heard a knock to the door. Without thinking I walked over and opened the door to a smiling Angus.

"Eleven o'clock on the dot, I'm impressed," I teased him. He was never on time for anything back home, when I suggested to meet at 11 I knew that really meant 11:30 giving me an hour to get ready before he arrived.

"Ha ha," he rolled his eyes walking into the room, taking a seat on the couch by the window.

"Nice outfit, I'm sure that will grab some attention," he commented while his eyes skimmed up and down my body.

I was confused for a second, looking down at myself I remembered when I got to the room I tossed my leggings to the floor, leaving me only in my white shirt that just hit the top of my thighs.

"F*ck off Angus," I snapped, quickly reaching for my leggings with my back to him. If I were looking at myself in the mirror right now, I am almost positive my face would be the colour of the red bed sheets in front of me.

"No need to be shy Jen, we're all adults here, nothing I haven't seen before," he scoffed.

If I were looking at him I'm sure I would see a smug grin on his face. I did have confidence in myself, I liked the way I looked, but I would rather not let every guy see me in my underwear. Especially Angus of all people.

He was known for being a ladies man. I'm pretty sure he had hooked up with more girls the weekend we went to Sydney to film a segment for MTV, than I had with guys in my whole twenty one years. I couldn't help but compare myself for a minute to all the girls I had seen him with.

"So what do you plan on wearing today? Clearly not that," He interrupted my thoughts, meaning the white tshirt and leggings I had quickly pulled up my legs, before turning back around to face him.

"I..I was thinking my Rolling Stones cut off with a skirt and my Doc Martins, is that to your approval Mr. O'Loughlin?" I stared at him with my arms across my chest, waiting for his response.

"Yeah sounds hot babe, you know who likes the Rolling Stones don't you?" He asked rubbing his chin, smirking up at me.

One day I'm going to smack that smug look off his face, I thought to myself. He was cute, but he had an arrogance about him that annoyed me at times.

"A lot of people my guess is," I answered him sarcastically while picking out my skirt.

"Your mate, Harry. Just watched an interview with him actually, he was going on about this Rolling Stones shirt being his fave. Trying to impress him are ya?"

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