Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

Somehow I managed to stay asleep for five hours, and since we only had an hour left on this ridiculously long flight, I was thankful for my nap.

I awoke to Angus talking loudly to the old man next to him. I guess the man had recognized Angus and they struck up a conversation about our assignment, and all the people that Angus had the opportunity to meet.

I took my headphones out and began to listen to the conversation.

"I'm much more interested in movies than I am in music," the older man said, "although my grand daughter has an obsession with a group called One Direction, she won't stop rambling about them and some other group of young hooligans called Summer something."

I noticed he spoke a lot with his hands, and when he said "hooligans" they flew around wildly.

"Do you mean 5 Seconds of Summer?" I chimed in. I knew it wasn't my conversation, but something about the old man charmed me. He reminded me of what Winnie the Pooh would look like if he were human.

"Yes! That's the one," He seemed excited that I had spoken to him, and then added, "She's a very pretty young lady Angus, hold onto that one."

Angus and I both burst out laughing so hard, he probably thought we were crazy.

"Yeah she's beautiful, but she's more like my pain in the arse sister, sorry sir."

I whacked Angus in the arm at his comment, and he rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Point proven."

The old man laughed and apologised.

"Our upcoming assignment is actually with One Direction, we get to go behind the scenes of their music video and chat them up." I was proud to talk about my job and the older man, who I learned was named Jack, seemed genuinely happy to be talking to us.

"Those hooligans as you called them will be there too," Angus threw in.

"Wait what?" I asked surprised. I didn't know they would be there as well.

I had interviewed 5 Seconds of Summer the previous year when they had done a tour with Hot Chelle Rae, and we got on really well. They were such cool guys, and it comforted me that they were Australian as well.

"You really need to start paying more attention Jen, they're the openers for One Direction. How did you not know that?" Angus looked at me with a half smirk, and laughed at my cluelessness.

I didn't reply because I knew I'd just dig a deeper hole with him. He always won at our playful banter, and sometimes it was easier to just smile and shrug. I knew I was clueless sometimes, but I couldn't help but feel more relaxed and at ease that the 5SOS boys would be there.

"I wish my granddaughter would have been on this flight with me, she'd be delighted to speak with you. I'm actually on my way to visit her right now. Her fifteenth birthday is tomorrow and I'm coming to surprise her."

The smile on Jack's face when he said this was filled with so much love, that I could feel the warmth radiating off of him.

"Give me your phone number and maybe we can set something up for her, as a birthday present or something like that," Angus said like it was no big deal.

That's how he was, sometimes I wondered if he enjoyed throwing his connections around, but I knew he just liked to help people out.

"Yeah definitely, depending on the schedule maybe we could get her to come with us as an assistant or something on one of the days we interview."

I had no idea why, but I wanted to give this girl a good present. I didn't even know her name, but the kindness that Jack radiated drew me in. I was a sucker for people like him.

"I don't think I could ever give her a present as marvelous as that. I used almost all my money for the flight to see her, so I was just going to take her to dinner. I think Emily might knock herself out when I tell her what you two are willing to do for her," Jack almost looked like he could cry himself from excitement.

You could tell how much he loved his family, and it made me miss my sister.

We didn't realize how much time had passed until the captain came aloud and said we were preparing to land. I was so excited to be off of this plane, and take a nap back at our hotel before we had to be at the studio in London.

Glancing over, I noticed Angus was exchanging numbers with the old man. He looked just as tired as I did, and I knew when we got to our hotel we'd only be sleeping for a few short hours.

It was nearly 5am when our flight landed, and we had to be at the studio at 3pm to meet with producers and One Direction's crew, so we could schedule out the rest of the week. I didn't know if the One Direction guys themselves would be there, but I had hoped they would be. I wanted to get to know them a little before I had to plan my interview questions.

I hoped 5 Seconds of Summer would be there too. Having them there and knowing them would give me a little bit of confidence.

Angus always helped me feel comfortable since he knew how awkward I was around new faces.

The more people I knew, the more I came out of my shell. I couldn't help it, but I wanted the One Direction guys to think I was cool, especially Harry.


The second we got off the plane I gave Jack a hug, and told him we'd be in touch soon. As soon as we parted Angus laughed at me, "You're always hugging people, even if you just met them".

"Hugging helps you to get to know someone, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they hug," I said confidently. I knew it was the fatigue talking, but right now it made sense to me.

"Oh yeah? What do my hugs say about me? " He said as he absentmindedly put his arm around my shoulders, as we walked out of the airport.

"That you're cocky!" I laughed out loud. Everything was funny to me when I was tired, especially my own lame jokes.

We had a car waiting for us to take us to our hotel, and as soon as we sat in the car I put my headphones in, and watched the London scenery take over. We had seperate rooms that were next door to each other at our hotel, which were ridiculously nice. Working for MTV definitely had its perks.

Angus and I parted ways and promised to meet up with eachother at eleven to discuss what we needed to do before heading to the studio.

I decided to take a hot shower first, and just let my long dark hair air dry while I slept. I set my alarm for 10:30 and stretched out on the king bed. Next thing I knew, I was having a dream about a very rowdy set of British boys.

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