Chapter 8

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Jen's POV

Before I could finish that sentence, I was silenced by his lips pressed against mine.

My first instinct was to let out a squeek. Luckily Ashton didn't misinterpret my sound for a moan, because he immediately disconnected from me. Before I could see the look on his face and change my mind, I swiped my card and ran into my room.

"Great job Jen, way to make him feel bad," I thought to myself as I leant against the now closed door. I refused to look through the peep hole, because I didn't want to see the look on his face which I'm sure was contorted with confusion.

I felt bad because Ashton was such a nice guy. I really did have a great time with him tonight, and I could see my feelings growing for him if we continued on that path, but I was feeling something I'd never felt before, with Harry.

Even though we'd only known eachother for an extremely short amount of time, something about him was electric to me.

I looked down after I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Ashton.

Ashton: Hey, I had a really great time tonight. I'm sorry I messed up there at the end. Hopefully you don't think of me the wrong way now as I'd really love to continue our friendship. I won't try anything like that again...unless you want me to.

I read his text over a few times, trying to gather up my thoughts and decide what to respond. I didn't know whether to keep it short, or explain my feelings to him.

I thought I owed him an explanation for what just happened, I didn't want him to feel bad and like he did something wrong, so I decided to be honest with him.

Jen: I probably handled that in the worst way possible! I'm sorry! I was just exremely caught off guard. I consider you one of my good friends and I'd hate for us trying something else and it get in the way. I think I'm developing feelings for someone else and I don't want you to be caught in the middle. Of course I still want to be friends. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the best drummer around?

I hoped he accepted my response and didn't automatically get mad at me for friendzoning him. He didn't seem like the type of guy to get mad about something like that, and almost immediately I felt my phone vibrate again.

By this time I had made my way over to the bed, and was struggling to unstrap my heels. My phone vibrated again, and Ashton's name appeared on the screen.

Ashton: I am a damn good drummer, aren't I? (:

Satisfied with his reply, and glad he took what I said with a grain of salt, I peeled my dress off and shimmied into my yoga pants and a t-shirt, getting myself comfortable and ready for bed.

I fell asleep watching Knocked Up, and I dreamt about Harry and Ashton both standing on the edge of a cliff looking at me longingly.


I awoke the next morning to my phone ringing obnoxiously loud. I picked it up and checked my caller ID, which was flashing with an embarassing picture of Sam.

I took in a deep breath and awaited the scream that I knew would follow when I answered.


"JENELLE, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME 5SOS WAS GOING TO BE THERE?" She screamed, and I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear.

"I honestly didn't know until I was halfway to London, and Angus told me. I hope you don't care that I gave Calum your number," I replied, knowing she wouldn't care.

"Thank you for doing that," I could tell she was smiling into the phone, "I missed him."

"Yeah yeah yeah, you have the best big sister in the world. I'm the queen," I laughed with a fake British accent.

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