Chapter 56

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Jen's POV

I knew it was now or never to have our talk, but I didn't know where to start. I had made mental notes on what I wanted to say today, but standing in front of Harry now, I was blank. I took a long look out over our view, taking in a deep breath.

He didn't say anything, he just watched me, I assumed he was trying to judge what kind of talk this would be.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore," I began, turning to meet his gaze. "I loved you Harry, no...I love you, that's why this hurt so much. When you told me you cheated, I felt like I wasn't enough for you, like I didn't mean enough to you for you to be loyal to me."

"I know, I hope you believe how sorry I am..." He said, reaching down and taking my hands.

"I do know Harry, and I'm telling you that I forgive you, I just want to talk about why I was so hurt. We have to promise each other that we will communicate better, we seem to do stupid things when we aren't being fully open. I should never have slept with Ashton, but please know that I would never ever cheat on you. That was one of the worst feelings in the world.

I'm not saying what I did was okay, and that jumping in bed with him out of revenge was any more forgivable than what you did, but I would never even consider touching another man while dating you," I continued. I felt like we were getting somewhere.

"I know you wouldn't, because you're not me, you wouldn't act so impulsively out of spite. I beat myself up every day for what I did to you, I know how immature that was, and I promise you I will never ever hurt you again. I have to learn to trust you better.

Things won't always be easy, I can't promise we'll never fight again, but I can promise I will always be loyal to you, and never give you a reason to doubt my feelings for you. I hope that you can trust me again, I love you Jen, that was never a lie," he breathed out. His voice was rushed, but sincere like he wanted me to understand how serious he was.

We both must have had the same thought, because we both pulled each other to one another at the same time. It felt good standing in his embrace again, it was different than before since I was still hurt over the whole cheating ordeal, but I knew we are on the path to getting back to us.

"Promise me we'll communicate better, and promise me that we won't jump to conclusions," I practically begged him. If I was going to jump back into this, I had to know he wouldn't hurt me again. I couldn't go through this pain another time. Not just him, but I was also promising him I wouldn't give him a reason to ever doubt my loyalty to him.

"I promise," he nodded. His hands started playing with my long hair, and I smiled into his chest. I knew we had a long road ahead of us, but we loved each other, we would make this work again.

"I'm so sorry for making your biggest insecurity become a reality. I acted like such an idiot, I regret it more than anything. You wanted so badly for me to forgive you, but I should be begging for you to forgive me, too."

"Of course I forgive you, Jen."

He pulled away from me slightly, looking down at me. He took his bottom lip into his mouth, and I knew by his body language he wanted to kiss me, but he didn't know if he was allowed. I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine and kissed him.

I missed the feeling of his tongue on mine, and the way our hands tangled in each other's hair. I knew we were getting carried away, I didn't want to stop, but I knew we had to take things slow.

I pulled away and I felt his body freeze as he detached his lips from mine immediately.

"Sorry," he looked panicked, like he had done something wrong.

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