Chapter 25

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*Disclaimer- Things written about Larry in this book, do not reflect my beliefs. This was also written 3 years ago, my views may have changed. Please don't get mad at what's written, it's all part of the fictional storyline. What I believe is my personal opinion, and isn't shared in this book.*

Jen's POV

The guys all went in the showers to cool off after the show, so I was left with Gemma, Eleanor and Lou who was the guys' hair and make up artist.

Angus had gone off with the 5SOS boys to meet some fans who were waiting outside.

"So is every show that crazy?" I asked the girls.

"Always, it's complete madness," Eleanor answered, her eyes wide as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Especially when the fans spot you in the crowd, they're constantly screaming at you. Like tonight Gemma and I went and sat over in the soundcheck booth, and fans just screamed the most horrendous things at me," she rolled her eyes, recalling what had happened.

"What did they say?" I asked curiously.

"Well, of course there are a lot of lovely fans who just say hello or compliment me, but tonight I had a group of girls constantly screaming just the most vile things, calling me a beard and such. Of course I've learnt to just block it out now because I've grown accustomed to it over the last two years," she sighed. She looked really sad, and I hoped she didn't start crying.

"You shouldn't have to be used to it El, what happened out there was completely insane, I was ready to go up to those girls and slap them out!" Gemma cut in.

I felt really bad that the fans were so mean to her, she seemed like a really sweet girl, I couldn't imagine why anyone would hate her.

"What does being a beard mean? I don't get it?" I asked, remembering what she had just told me.

She sighed, "It means I'm just a cover up girlfriend, the shield Louis' sexuality," she explained.

I remembered the conversation Harry and I had had at lunch on our first date. He told me how the fans and media thought he and Louis were in a relationship, which was quite common in boy and girl bands recently.

"Yeah, in a relationship with my brother," Gemma rolled her eyes.

I didn't know what to think of it all, I knew Harry wasn't gay, but I hadn't realised the extent of which these rumours escalated to. Before I could ask any more questions, the guys all walked into the room freshly showered and dressed.

"Please don't tell Louis I was upset over this," Eleanor whispered, we all nodded giving her our word.

Louis took a seat next to her and flung an arm around her as he kissed her forehead.

"Everything okay love?" He looked at her, asking softly.

"Yeah everything's great, you feeling relaxed now?" She smiled sweetly up at him.

"Of course, I'm here with you," he smiled at her and pressed his lips against hers.

There was nothing at all fake about this relationship, they looked genuinely happy together and you could just tell by the way they looked at each other they were madly in love.

As I stared at them whispering into each other's ears, I felt someone sit beside me as they flung an arm around my shoulder.

"Did you really enjoy the show?" Niall looked at me smiling.

"Yes you were all amazing, you have so much energy up there," I poked his stomach.

"They don't call me the energiser bunny for nothing," he smirked.

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