Chapter 29

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Jen's POV

I groaned in annoyance at Harry poking my cheek over and over, in an attempt to wake me up, which just made him continue and laugh at me trying to swat his hand away.

"Wake up and I'll stop," he taunted.

"I am awake!" I whined, my eyes still closed. As much as I wanted to open my eyes and take in the vision of my boyfriend in bed next to me, I barely got any sleep last night and it was still early.

"Nope, you're not awake until I can see those beautiful brown eyes," he continued poking. I tried to act uninterested, but I didn't know how long I could keep this up.

"I know you're trying not to smile, we'll see how long that lasts shall we." He started to place kisses all over my face, but I still didn't budge.

"Hmm, what if I go a little lower then?" He began to gently kiss my neck, occasionally sucking. It was becoming harder and harder to keep a straight face.

"Well, I didn't want to pull this card out, but I'm afraid you've given me no other option, one last chance to open your eyes," he teased.

"Well okay then I did warn you!" He took my silence as consent to do whatever it was he was about to do. I wanted to open my eyes because I was worried about what he was going to do, but I kept them closed because I was curious to see what was about to happen.

He started trailing his fingers down his shirt I wore to bed, continuing to swipe down my thigh, then back up again.

"So soft," he commented. I bit my bottom lip to stop me from smiling at his touch.

Then out of no where, his fingers stopped at the band of my underwear, beginning to creep their way in.

I opened my eyes on impulse and squirmed under his touch, which made a raspy laugh escape his lips.

"I win," he winked, removing his hand from my panties and up to my cheek, caressing it.

"Good Morning beautiful," he grinned at me, satisfied with his victory.

I frowned at him for waking me. I knew we had to leave for Sunderland in a few hours, I still had to go back to my hotel and gather my things, but an extra half hour or so of sleep would have been nice.

"Now now, don't be like that," he kissed away the frown on my face, and suddenly I was wide awake.

"You're lucky I like you so much or you'd be on the floor by now!" I said smiling at him, leaning over me.

"Mm, I could think of a few things we could do on the floor babe," he cheekily grinned at me, and I knew exactly what he was implying.

"Argh go away," I pushed him off me and attempted to get out of the bed. As my feet hit the floor, I felt his arms tightly wrap around my waist, pulling me back into him on the bed.

"Better luck next time," he climbed on top of me planting a kiss to my lips, and I ran my fingers through his messy curls. We stayed in this position for a little while longer until I managed to escape from under him.

After his failed attempts of trying to stay in bed together, I quickly put my dress on from last night and ran down the hall, with Harry hot on my heels.

He caught up to me, grabbing me from behind and spinning me in the air. I shrieked for him to put me down and he obliged, only to quickly back me up against a door, trapping me with both his hands on either side of my head.

"Want to replay last night?" He smirked at me. I thought about how Harry had me in this exact position last night, and it was the most sensual kiss I had ever experienced.

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