Chapter 78

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Jen's POV

I wasn't sure if it was my alarm going off, or Harry was attempting to wake me up again, but none the less, waking up to my boyfriends voice was a wake up call I was happy to start my day to.

Judging by his snoring body sprawled out on the mattress beside me, his own voice didn't seem to awaken him from his slumber.

I looked at him, really taking in his features. Neither of us bothered to get dressed after our shower last night, so I was extra lucky this morning to be able to observe his body without him teasing me.

Every inch of Harry was pure perfection. This wasn't a biased opinion, he actually was just perfect, limb to limb. Even the leaves inked on his pelvis I tried to stop him from getting had grown on me.

My eyes trailed down further, widening at the evident exciting dream he must have been having. I had heard the term "morning wood" before, but I never really knew if it was an actual thing that occurred. I never really noticed with Harry, usually when he was aroused around me we were both awake, so this was something new.

I didn't know why I took such a fascination in it right now, I'd seen his most private areas numerous times over the course of our relationship, but right now I felt like a teen girl gushing over an erection.

Maybe it was because he wasn't conscious and watching me watch him, but something in me had the sudden desire to touch him there, and see what happened.

Without over thinking it I reached over and wrapped my palm around him, causing him to slightly jerk in my hand. I pulled back, jumping at the sudden movement, and he began to laugh. I was so into my own world and my own thoughts, I hadn't even heard him stop snoring.

"How long have you been awake?" I questioned him.

"Long enough to have seen you staring at my little situation down there! You know if you wanted to give me a rub down, it's probably better if we're both awake for it!" He laughed, and I felt myself blushing that he caught me looking.

"You're such an idiot!" I reached for a pillow and hit him with it, before hopping out of bed and walking to my suitcase to get dressed.

"You know, I wish you could see how incredible your arse looks right now," he said from the bed.

"I'm sure it looks no different to any other day," I said with my back still turned to him, beginning to dress myself for today's camping trip. I'd only managed to dress my bottom half when I felt him press himself up against me.

"We don't have to leave for another twenty minutes, we can accomplish a lot in that time you know," he moved my hair to the side, giving himself access to leave soft lingering kisses to my neck.

"Tempting...but we need to pack for tonight," I tried to pull away, but he immediately wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into him again.

"Can't you feel how bad I want you right now? Not even want, more like need!" I could feel his bulge pressing into my lower back, and it sent a thrill through me just thinking about exactly what we could accomplish in twenty minutes, but we couldn't. We had to pack and meet everyone down stairs in time to leave.

"Harry, I want you too, you know I always do, but we need to pack!" I pleaded with him, and managed to wriggle out of his grip to put my bra on.

"Ugh, you're not fun this early in the morning. I sweat like a pig last night, so I'm going to take another quick shower, preferably a bloody cold one!" He walked away and I rolled my eyes.

Such a boy.

While he was gone I took it upon myself to pack clothes for myself and for him tonight, and gathered up a few necessities. We had five minutes to go until we had to leave when he decided to stroll out of the shower and back into the bedroom.

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