Chapter 32

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Jen's POV

Other than things still being awkward between Ashton and I, we all had a really good time catching up over lunch.

I had sat in the middle of Harry and Sam with Calum on the other side of her. She seemed more quiet than normal, and I noticed Calum's hand didn't leave her knee all of lunch, even when he was eating. He would occasionally lean over and whisper something to make her blush and smile, looking at him with huge eyes.

I was so happy for them. Calum was extremely random and funny, but he was still one of the sweetest and most genuine guys on this tour, and I knew he would stand up for Sam no matter what.

Harry and I joked most of the time. We planned to have a movie night together in his room tomorrow, he promised me ice cream, so I was more excited than I should have been.

We got up to leave, and I asked Sam if she wanted to hang out tomorrow once we got settled in Manchester. They luckily didn't have a show tomorrow, and we had made seperate date night plans with our boyfriends.

She agreed and we decided that we'd go to a shopping center there, just the two of us so we could talk.

Harry was reluctant to have me go without any security again because of how much attention we'd had lately, but I told him we'd only be out for an hour or two and everything would be fine.

Once lunch was done, we quickly made our way back to our hotel to pack our bags, so we could catch the flight that was waiting for us.


The flight to Manchester was short, and most of us ended up napping the whole way. I fell asleep against Harry's chest as we were sitting next to each other. I was starting to love flying with him.

We all quickly settled into our various hotel rooms once we got there, having a pattern down by now. I loved having the whole floor to ourselves again, it was convenient having everyone so close.

The night was very uneventful, everyone was taking the time to relax before the long week ahead, and since we arrived so late, everyone pretty much fell asleep immediately and that was a first with this group.

Sam and I spent the night together, it was good to have my sister back with me, especially in a country that was so foreign to me.

The next morning Sam and I woke up early so we could go on our shopping trip. Harry and Calum walked us down to the car that waited for us, and they both looked like they were pouting. Harry helped me into my side of the car after kissing me.

"Promise me you'll call if anything happens!" He said looking at me quite seriously.

"I will," I kissed him again and hopped the rest of the way into the car.

"They're just so cute when they look like that," Sam let out a small laugh, referring to Calum and Harry watching us pull away. "Do paparazzi really follow you around now?"

"I wouldn't say they follow me around, but they've photographed me before. The only time I felt overwhelmed was when I was with Eleanor and Gemma though. It wasn't that bad, it was just weird. I think it freaked Harry out a little bit though.

Sometimes I think he forgets I'm in this business too. It's no where near the magnitude he's at, but I know what things are like," I responded to her. She took all the information in, and seemed to be analyzing it before she responded.

"It really freaked me out when all those girls were outside the hotel yesterday. One grabbed Calum's arm and asked him why he was with some s*ut," She said looking at her hands that were folded in her lap.

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