Chapter 47

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Jen's POV

My phone was filled with missed calls from Sam, Ashton, Harry and Angus the next day. It was late afternoon already, but I wasn't ready to talk to anyone, I was still trying to process in my head what had happened last night.

Harry had texted me back telling me to text him as soon as I woke up. I still hadn't looked at the photographs he had gotten so worked up over. I knew I probably should so I could explain myself to him, when I did talk to him.

I opened my social media up and searched my name. A dozen links to articles came up about Ashton and I, all implying we were a hot new couple. I rolled my eyes at the pathetic junk the media printed, and kept searching for the photos.

I came across an updates account which had posted them all. They did look much worse than they actually were, so I understood why Harry and the media might have thought something was going on.

I just wished Harry trusted me more, no matter what the photos showed, he should have known I would never cheat on him. I loved him, he knew that, well at least I thought he did.

I huffed at the mess that was my life and jumped out of bed to get myself a glass of water, and some tablets for my pounding headache. When I opened my door I saw Sam, Cal, Bella, Angus, Gemma and Ashton all in the living room.

Did they not take my lack of response to their missed calls, as an indication I didn't want to talk to anyone right now? I rolled my eyes and turned back around to walk away, when Gemma ran over to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Jen please, we just want to know if you're okay," she looked at me concerned.

"I'm fine," I lied, if that's what it took for them to leave me alone, than I would continue to lie.

"Harry called me last night, he's an absolute mess. I know I shouldn't defend him because he's an idiot, but he's still my brother and I know he loves you so much," I could tell she genuinely meant it.

I knew I should talk to him, and try and work out everything that had happened. I dropped a pretty big bomb on him when I finally told the truth about Ashton and I, yet he was still willing to talk to me after it. I owed him an explanation.

"Also, I know about you and Ashton, Harry told me last night," I gulped at the information, I hoped she didn't hate me for it.

"This all happened before you two started dating, and he knows that too, so I'm not mad at you or anything, please don't think that," she gave me a warm smile.

Gemma was so understanding, I wished her brother was the same. I wished he gave me a chance to explain myself before blowing up on me.

"Thanks Gemma, I'm sorry I hurt Harry, you know nothing happened between Ashton and I last night, I think I'm going to call him now," I told her, this time I wasn't lying, I knew I should ring him right now and just explain myself.

"Of course I know, I know you love my brother and I told him that on the phone. He feels like an idiot for blowing up on you like that. I'll tell the others to leave you be so you can talk to him."

I was so thankful for Gemma, she was like a sister to me now, and she was always there when I really needed her. I thanked her and gave her a hug, then headed back into my room.

My stomach was in knots as I opened my phone book, my finger hovered over his number as I tried to compose myself. I had no idea of the mood he would be in, or even if he was awake. I hoped he didn't answer.

I finally found the courage to call, and put the phone to my ear. With every ring my nerves became worse and worse. Part of me hoped he wouldn't answer, but I knew I had to face him eventually.

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