Chapter 10

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Jen's POV

I awoke the next morning feeling groggy. It took all of five seconds to remember everything I'd read last night, and it wasn't pretty.

Some of Harry's fans were extremely nice, and if it weren't for the circumstances, I would have cherished the photos that were taken. Harry and I looked truly happy to be out with eachother.

It was the only photo that had been taken of Harry with a girl where they were actually kissing, so this wasn't something he could deny, and I wondered how he felt about all of it.

I knew I'd be seeing him in a couple short hours as Angus and I were going back to film more behind the scenes.

This time, they'd be in a bar so there would be tonnes of hot girls there for the video, and after some of the horrible things girls were saying about me online, I knew my self esteem wouldn't be high today.

I tried to put it in the back of my head as I got ready for the day.

I decided to text Emily again and tell her that her coming on the set tomorrow, instead of today, would work better. She originally texted me last night in the car with Harry and we'd talked about her coming to the set today. Tomorrow would be another real interview and not just random filming, so she could actually meet them all tomorrow.

Honestly, it was because I didn't know what to expect with my boss and Harry about the whole date scandal, but I wasnt about to tell her that.

She responded immediately.

Emily: That sounds perfect, my mum wants to hang out with me on my birthday anyway. I can't wait for tomorrow and thank you so much again! By the way, I think you are perfect with Harry and I stood up for you on twitter xx"

Her sincerity made my heart swell and I was happy to have met such a sweet young girl. I'd make sure to take her to lunch or something tomorrow, to make up for the fact that she couldn't come today.

I replied with a happy birthday and a thank you before I started getting ready.

Angus would be here at eleven and it was currently nine o'clock. I planned on taking my time in the shower in the hopes of washing any doubt away. I turned my music on shuffle in the bathroom, and stepped into the shower.

I was starting to feel relaxed until l heard Liam's voice echo through my speakers. Of all songs that could come on right now "They Don't Know About Us" would. More than anything, it just made me angry. I wasn't going to let those girls get to me, they didn't know who Harry really was, and they certainly didn't know who I was either.

I stepped out of the shower with a new found confidence in my step. I marched over to my closet, choosing the cutest outfit I could, and took extra time with my hair and makeup.

I sat down on my bed after finishing getting ready and awaited for Angus to get here.

Shortly after, there was a knock on my door, which I had come to know as Angus'.

I did one last look in the mirror before picking up my large purse and headed to the door.

As soon as I swung it open, I was met with a cheeky grin. "I knew you and Styles would hook up, I just didn't know it would be so publicly," He laughed.

I immediately felt like crying. Being a girl sucked, one minute you were confident and your emotions were in check, and the next you could unravel.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Did he pressure you or something?" Angus asked concerned when he saw my expression change.

"No, I loved being with him. It was honestly the best date I've ever been on. I forgot he was the famous Harry Styles all night. Until I got back to my room and read what was on twitter. Why are people so mean?" I replied. I had looked down the whole time and at the last minute, I met his gaze.

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