Chapter 14

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Jen's POV

The flight on the way home seemed even longer than on the way there, but this time my head was filled with more thoughts, and new memories.

I kept thinking of my desire to truly know Harry. I knew I probably jumped on him too hard about the way he acted, but I wanted him to know what kind of girl I was, and that I wasn't immediately going to invite him in my bed.

I knew what kind of girl I was and I wanted to stick to that, but then I thought about everything that went on with Ashton and I felt extremely guilty.

I knew Ash wouldn't tell any one about our little "romp in the sheets" as Angus called it, even though it was hardly a romp, and I was really greatful for him in my life.

I finally just tuned out my thoughts and blasted music through my headphones. Angus and I made brief conversation a few times about nothing specific, and I was happy he didn't ask for my thoughts.

I think he knew I was dealing with an internal debate, and I was thankful that he didn't tease me about my messed up love life right now.


After arriving back in Melbourne, we stepped off the plane and we gave each other a hug.

"I'll call you sometime this week and we can figure out details about the upcoming tour, I'm really looking forward to it," I smiled, exhaustedly.

"Sounds good, babe. I'm excited as well, I just hope things won't get too crazy," he looked at me laughing, and then pointed at me.

"Shut up!" I whacked him. "Everything will be fine," I laughed and we made our final goodbyes.

I walked in the opposite direction of the airport as him since our rides were waiting at different pick up destinations. I was looking forward to seeing my sister and unloading all my frustrations without judgement.

We told eachother everything, and we both had a lot to share. I planned on being nosey about her and Calum, and she planned on being nosey about Harry....and Ashton.

As soon as I walked out of the airport, I practically ran to her car which was waiting just outside the doors. She got out and yelled "FINALLY JEN, I missed you!" Waving her arms above her head.

My tiredness was catching up to me again, and I almost tripped running up to her. We embraced in a hug and we both laughed loudly before putting my suitcase in my trunk, and climbing in my car I let her borrow for the week.

"Tell me everything, seriously," she said looking over at me.

"I will, let's go to dinner or ice cream or something and I'll tell you everything," I replied as I reclined my seat.

"Dinner it is!" She smiled and turned up the radio.


We arrived to a familiar restaurant that we'd been going to since we were little girls, and sat in our normal booth. I didn't realize how hungry I was until we stepped foot in the building and I could smell the food.

We both ordered milkshakes and massive cheeseburgers, deciding to pig out since it was just us, and shared a few laughs before I finally decided to open up.

"I really like him.." I said looking down at my plate.

"Harry?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything was perfect. The fireworks, the dinner, just being with him was great. He made me feel important and he told me things he said he hadn't told anyone else.

It all came to a sudden halt when I didn't invite him into my room and he ran off like his ego was being hit. The next day he almost ignored me, and shook his head at everything I said. I don't know why I flipped," I told her making eye contact, and holding back my emotions.

"That's just weird, maybe the rumours about him are true..." She said, and then her face lit up and added, "Or what if he was just surprised, maybe he didn't want to ruin the night by saying something he'd regret so he just left before that happened."

I hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe I was over thinking everything, and I felt even more guilty for blowing him off before I could hear his reply that day on set.

"I also may have made out with Ashton," I said in a rushed tone. Her eyes grew as wide as the plates our food was on, and she almost shouted "WHAT?"

"I know, I know. We both decided that we were just friends and ended up falling asleep before anything escalated."

She just looked at me with amusement and said, "So was he a good kisser?"

I laughed and was happy that there wasn't any judgement about my activities this week. Besides Angus, no one else knew what really had gone on.

"Oh my God, yes. Which sucks because I don't want to kiss him anymore, but he was damn good at it," I said taking a huge bite of my burger.

"Well I think you should just take this week to think about what you want. Try to talk to Harry and see what he's thinking, so you know what to expect when you go with them on tour. You'll see Ashton on New Year's and you can talk to him then," She threw in the last part with a sly smile.

"You're lucky I love you so much. I'll talk to mum when we get home later tonight and make sure she's okay with us going to Sydney. Calum was really excited to see you, and I want to see how you guys act together, so I think it would be fun to go there. Plus I'll be able to make sure Ashton is okay with everything that went down," I said. She blushed at the mention of Calum's name.

"You know, he blushes when I say your name too," I said, laughing. Her face lit up, and she blushed even harder.

We both finished our food and made our way home. We continued to talk about my week in the car, and we laughed at everything I'd done. She made me feel so much better about everything, so I wanted to help her with Calum. I wanted them to be happy, and setting them up might help me get my mind off Ashton and Harry.

We got home and even though I had my own place, I decided to spend the night there, that way Sam and I could continue our catch up and I could talk to mum about New Year's.

The moment I walked in the door my mum yelled "JENELLE, I missed you, I googled you and I think I know something that you should tell me about!" I rolled my eyes, I knew I shouldn't have told her about social media.

"I'll tell you everything in the morning, mum. Sam and I are going to watch a movie and go to bed, I'm exhausted," I said giving her a hug.

"Okay honey, I'm glad you're here tonight. Let's talk over breakfast," She said and made her way to her bedroom.

Sam and I headed upstairs and almost immediately fell asleep to the sound of the TV.

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