Chapter 68

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Jen's POV

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Harry asked as we occupied the lounging area of the bus. He sat with his legs up on the reclined section of the couch that wrapped around the end of the bus, and I laid across it with my head resting on his lap.

"Yeah, but not Titanic again please!" Being Harry's favourite movie, that was always his first choice, but I wasn't in the mood for another love story with a heartbreaking end.

"We could always play the game if you'd like," he chuckled. I turned my head so I could look up at him, and the cheeky grin on his face told me this wasn't some kind of board game.

"What does that involve?" I knew I'd regret asking.

"Well, I play the iceberg and you go down," he answered, studying my face for my reaction.

It took me a few seconds to click onto his dirty joke, "You are such an idiot, wasn't this morning enough?"

"I told you clearly I wouldn't be keeping my hands to myself on this bus anymore love," he smiled down at me.

I smiled up at him and he leant down to kiss me, before getting up to put in a movie. We opted for a comedy, deciding on Knocked Up.

He re took his previous position on the couch, and placed my head back into his lap as we watched the opening credits.

"I know you only picked this to perve on Paul Rudd," Harry teased.

"How do you remember I liked Paul?" I remembered when Sam visited for the first time, we got into a conversation about celebrity husbands, she said Niall and I said Paul, and I could tell Harry was jealous at the time.

"How could I ever forget the time my girlfriend said anyone but me was her celebrity crush?" I could tell he was pouting, but I was too enthralled in this scene to turn and face him.

"You know the only celebrity I actually want to marry is you!" I said without thinking. I didn't mean I wanted to marry him today, someday maybe. I felt him shift under me, and I knew I just made things incredibly awkward.

He cleared his throat, "So do you need a blanket or anything? Are you cold?" He changed the subject.

It's not like I expected him to bend down on one knee and propose then and there, but a little acknowledgement I said something would have been nice. We were both too young for marriage, and we hadn't even been together a year yet, but it wasn't crazy to talk about our future.

"I'm fine," I responded. He was unusually quiet, I turned my head slightly to look up, and I saw him staring out the window deep in thought. I hoped my marriage comment didn't freak him out.

I began to laugh at a scene, and an involuntary cry of pain escaped my lips. I had the worst cramps since getting my period about an hour ago. I wrapped my arms over my stomach, using one to rub the sore area.

"I didn't hurt you this morning or anything did I?" Harry ran his fingers through my hair, breaking away from his silent thoughts.

"No of course not," I sat up and crossed my legs, "it's just...womanly problems that's all," I felt my cheeks burn up a little.

There was nothing to be embarrassed about, he was my boyfriend and he knew this was a monthly thing, but I'd never really been with him while I had it before. Either I was at home, or in different hotel rooms. Since it only lasted three days usually, I was lucky to have escaped this inevitable occurrence of being with him while on it.

"You can call it a period Jen, I know what that is," he smiled, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face.

I gave him a small smile and shifted closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

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