Chapter 11

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Jen's POV

Ashton made me blush with his compliments. I remembered him being flirty the first time I met him, it was good to see he hadn't changed at all.

It comforted me knowing he held no hard feelings about the other night. We hadn't really spoken apart from those text messages after "the kiss" I rejected.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow night?" he asked waiting for my response anxiously.

"Nothing I don't think, what do you have in mind?" I was hoping it wasn't another one on one date, I didn't want a repeat of the other night's events, and after my date with Harry and him now ignoring me, I wasn't in the mood for another one.

"Well me and the boys are going to our mates' band's show, was wondering if you..."

Before he could finish he got cut off by someone's presence.

I felt a hand on my lower back, and Ashton's face dropped, literally.

I looked up to see Harry standing next to me, my eyes grew wide at his sudden desire to acknowledge me, while I was with Ashton.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked, half smiling.

He usually greeted me a lot less formal, with that addicting smile of his, but today was different. I would have just preferred he kept ignoring me if he was going to act weird.

"Yeah, fine thanks, never been better," I smiled at him, hoping he sensed the sarcasm in my voice.

He didn't.

"That's good to hear then," he nodded his head.

"Ah, we're gonna head off and find Niall or something we'll catch up later," Ashton grinned, looking from me to Harry.

"Wait, you were telling me about your friends' show, finish off your question," I begged him, hoping I would trigger some jealousy in Harry.

"Ah, i'll just tell you about it later," his smile disappearing.

It looked like he feared Harry's reaction if he had continued his question to me.

"Okay, I'll come find you once I'm done here," I gave him a sympathetic smile.

He nodded, looking at both Harry and I before walking off with Luke.

"Okay you can cut the crap now, I know you're not 'fine' I've been watching you, you don't look fine at all, quite the opposite actually, and you haven't spoken to me since last night. What's wrong?" Harry immediately asked as Ashton was out of sight.

I thought for a minute about how to answer that question. Truth was I wasn't fine, and he clearly knew that.

"Well, first off I went on this amazing date with this guy last night, everything was going fine up until I wouldn't let him in my pants," I began, sounding harsher than I intended, but he deserved it.

He stayed quiet so I continued...

"Then when I get into bed trying to figure out what the hell his problem was, I get a call from my sister telling me to check twitter, so I do, only to read hundreds of disgusting comments about me because I went on a date with a guy who really couldn't give two shits about me obviously. So tell me Harry, would you be fine if all that happened to you? This isn't my world, nor do I want it to be," I finished out of breath.

He was just looking at me, it was hard to read his expression. I didn't know if he was going to yell right back at me, just walk away or apologise.

"Is that what you really think? You think all this was, was me trying to get in your pants?" he asked mimicking my angry tone.

"Is that really all you got out of that?" I asked amused at his ignorance. Of course the only thing he had heard was me calling out his burnt ego when I rejected him.

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