Chapter 64

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Harry's POV

Watching her sleep was one of my favourite things in the world. She looked like an angel, so peaceful and at ease. Sometimes I laid awake a little while after she had fallen asleep, and just watched her. I'm sure if anyone had walked in they would have thought I was some kind of creep, but just laying next to Jen, being able to hold her in my arms was my happy place, and no ones judgements would taint that.

My favourite part of Jen, and what I looked at most on nights like this, was her right hand. That's the hand she wore the ring I had given her the first time we were apart since committing to one another. I often traced it with my thumb, and thought about how one day I'd want to give her another type of ring, something a little more permanent.

Call me crazy for thinking this way only after a few months, but I loved her and knew she was my future. Of course that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, we were both still so young, and still learning something new about each other everyday, plus the whole concept of marriage scared me a little, I wasn't ready for it, but one day I would be.

Now I had a new favourite thing about her, her tattoo. I still couldn't believe she had gotten it done. When she told me in the tattoo parlour that she wanted the anchor to match with mine, I was taken aback.

Sometimes I let the dark days of our relationship creep back into my mind. I would think things were going so well, too well, and something would come in and destroy us again. I was well aware I was given a blessing the day she took me back, and I'd always think she was too good for me.

That's why when she did things like this, I was brought back to reality, and reminded that she did love me as much as I loved her, and I had to stop being paranoid that I was going to lose her.

This tattoo really did mean everything to me. As far as commitment goes, this was the ultimate commitment to me, to us. This was a permanent reminder she was mine, and I was hers. Her reasoning behind getting it made me love her all the more. She said I was her safety net and the most stable relationship she'd been in.

Truth was she was my safety net. I never really understood people who depended on another person to make them happy, make them feel wanted or needed, but I guess I never really had that one person who would make me feel that way, until her.

To everyone else I was Harry Styles, one fifth of the worlds biggest boy band, but to her I was just Harry, the boy from Holmes Chapel that loved her more than anyone ever could. I felt safe to be myself around her, I felt safe telling her things no one else knew, and I felt safe here in this bed, her breath on my skin, legs tangled with mine, wearing my shirt.

I took one last look at her, and wondered how I ever got so lucky to be given her. She was the most genuine, beautiful, amazing girl I had ever met, and I was the lucky guy to call her mine.

My girl, my safety net, and my anchor in life.


Jen's POV

It was nice to get back into the old routine, I felt completely in my element while I was working. It took a few weeks to get into the swing of it all, but Angus, Karen and the crew made me feel so comfortable on camera. It also helped that I was dating one of the guys I had to follow around every day.

Eleanor had just rejoined us on tour as she had just finished up her degree in Manchester, and Louis asked her to join him on the US leg. Summer was also here in LA with us since she was staying with her mum again. I wished Sam was here though, after that whole pregnancy scare I wished I got to spend more time with her.

She had told me in the past week she had lunch with Luke's girlfriend Kirstin, and the two of them had really hit it off. It put my mind at ease a little knowing she had a friend to confide in, who was in the exact same situation as her. Plus with Bella always out and about with her boyfriend, knowing Sam wasn't home alone all the time also relaxed me.

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