Chapter 37

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Jen's POV

We arrived at TGI Fridays, I could see why this was Harry's favourite restaurant. The atmosphere was buzzing, bodies filled the room decked out in red furniture and ornaments across the walls.

The waitress lead us to a booth up the back of the room. Harry was sat on the end, Anne next to him, then it was me, Eleanor to my left, Louis, Niall, Sam, Cal, Luke and Ashton was on the other end opposite Harry.

Harry was a little annoyed that his mum was between us, but it was one dinner, I'm sure he would be just fine without me next to him for an hour or so. Anne was headed back home tonight, and since I wouldn't see her again for a while, I didn't mind sitting next to her.

"Have you ever been here love?" Anne turned to ask me as I scanned the menu.

"No, there's a couple back home in Melbourne, but I've never really gotten round to going. Sam did you ever end up going to TGI's back home?" I called out to my sister, who was completely lost in her own world with Calum, as usual.

I had noticed some fans taking photos of us and whispering to one another as they observed Cal and Sam, I really hoped they didn't hurt her. I tried to ignore them as best I could.

"SAM!" I shouted, my change in volume worked as she snapped her head to look at me.

"Sorry what did you say?" She giggled as she tried to push Cal's hands away from her.

"I asked if you've been to TGI's back home," I repeated my question.

"No you promised you'd take me and you never did!" I did remember promising her that, but since I started at MTV I had little time to go out.

"Shame on you Jen!" Niall shook his head at me.

"Oh shh she's here now," I turned my attention back to the menu.

We all ended up ordering burgers and fries, and it honestly was the best meal I had had in England so far. If this is the type of food they served in the US, I knew I would probably put on weight while I was over there.

"So how are you enjoying the tour Jen? I'd hate to be surrounded by these boys everyday," Anne motioned towards the guys around the table.

"Hey we're not that bad! You love us Anne," Luke teased her.

"Of course I do, I just couldn't be with you lot all day everyday is all," she laughed.

"I'm having a great time," I smiled at her. This was the best experience of my life, and it had only just begun. I loved spending everyday with Harry, it made me miss home a little less, but I still couldn't wait to get back there for a month.

"I hope my son doesn't keep you all to himself all the time," she commented.

"No no he doesn't, I'm friends with everyone on the tour. I hang out a lot with Gemma and El, or my partner Angus since we share a suite."

"Oh, I noticed my daughter was talking to him backstage, and she had that look on her face she got whenever she fancied a guy, do you know if anything's going on there?" She asked me curiously.

I didn't know how to answer that, I didn't want to out them since Gemma had begged me not to, but I didn't want to lie either.

I looked over at Sam who was trying not to laugh as she made eye contact with me. Sam and I were the only ones that knew about Gemma and Angus. Cal looked from me to her with a puzzled look on his face, she obviously hadn't told him.

"Um I know they've become quite close, you'd have to ask her what's going on there." I thought that would be the safest answer, it wasn't a lie but a more subtle answer.

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