Chapter 31

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Jen's POV

This week went even faster than the last. The band had a show every night which meant late nights and early wake up's, leaving little time to spend with Harry, except at night when we spent each night together.

I still felt guilty about lying to him about Ashton, but we weren't even together then, so I didn't think it would really matter. I would never do anything with him now, and that's all that should count.

Ashton had avoided me all week unless Karen forced me to interview him for the show, but even those interactions were slightly uncomfortable. Watching back on the episodes as they aired on MTV, I cringed at the awkward body language between us.

Thankfully the fans didn't pick up on it. They didn't even know Ashton and I had history together, so they just focused on how "hot" he looked, and how "cute" he was in front of the cameras.

I really did love having Ashton as a friend, he was always someone I could talk to or go to between filming, but this week I felt like an invisible wall was put up around him that repelled me whenever I got too close. So I kept my distance.

I watched from the crowd every night with Eleanor, Gemma and Sophia, who could only stay the first two nights since she had to get back home to her studies.

I noticed more and more photos of me appear on social media and all news websites. Everyone knew Harry and I were together by now, but neither of us confirmed it until Angus and Niall put me on the spot during an on air interview.

I remembered asking Niall who his celebrity crush was, and he turned the tables and asked me who mine was."You better be careful with what you say, your boyfriend is standing right there listening to you!" Angus pointed out, the camera then panned over to Harry, who was looking at me with his arms folded across his chest smirking at me, then panned back to me, my cheeks a deep shade of red.

"Aw look she's blushing," Niall and Angus teased.

"Who is the interviewer here Niall? Answer the question," I tried to take the attention off myself.

We were all so comfortable with each other, so we didn't really think about what we said to each other on camera, but of course the fans picked up on it straight away, and twitter went into a craze with Angus confirming Harry and I's relationship status.

A lot of the fans were really sweet as Eleanor had mentioned to me, but of course there were those who thought our relationship was fake, or a publicity stunt to boost my "celebrity profile", and get viewers for MTV.

I copped first hand what Eleanor went through when fans would say she was a beard. A few of them even going as far as saying Eleanor and I were lesbians together, and Harry and Louis were our cover up's.

I print screened a couple of the tweets about being lesbians, and sent them to El.

El Calder: Hahahahaha that's the best rumor yet! LB's forever

She replied.

They didn't know what Harry and I were like when we were alone in our rooms. I didn't really care about their opinions, because I was the one that got to fall asleep in his arms, kiss him, feel his hands trail up and down my body, and wake up to him finding new ways to open my eyes in the morning.

So to me, all the hate and even fighting with Ashton was worth it in the end.

Today however was the last day in Sunderland, and Sam was flying into Newcastle this morning, then she'd fly over to Manchester with us later. She'd be so exhausted and jet lagged from all the flights, but it was just the easiest thing to do.

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