Chapter 6

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Jen's POV

As I made my way back over to the interview, the guys looked like they didn't know whether to laugh at me or be concerned.

"It was a fake 'you're in trouble'. It was mainly just to show Angus that he can't be a douchebag like I apparently am," I whispered to them.

"I'm never a douchebag!" Angus faked gasped.

The rest of us just rolled our eyes and collected ourselves to finish the interview. Harry's eyes were still bulging a little bit, and I was extrememly proud of myself.

The rest of the interview rolled through smoothly and we stuck to more basic questions. We were all just standing around talking, before Angus and I had to pack up for the day and head back to our hotel.

Ashton, Calum, and Luke had come back as well. Michael was sleeping, and part of me wondered if he was ever sad about missing certain things.

"He just likes to sleep a lot, nothing ever really seems to bother him if he's sleeping instead," Ashton shrugged when I asked about his absence.

I was sitting on the couch with Ashton next to me, and everyone else was scattered around the conference room when Harry squeezed into the tiny space next to me, which caused me to fall face first into Ashton's lap.

"Oh my god, sorry sorry sorry," I laughed hysterically as I attempted to lift myself up, then I felt Harry's hands pulling me up into a sitting position.

"Well that is not what I wanted to happen, I hoped you'd fall more into me than Ashton's lap," Harry said with his eyes bulging again. He looked cute when he did it though, so maybe I'd try to surprise him more often.

Ashton shifted awkwardly next to me and laughed his contagious laugh. The whole room then turned to look at us, while Ashton and I laughed together and Harry just sat there looking embarassed. It was even more awkward because we were all crammed on this tiny couch together.

"So..." Ashton spoke up, "What do you say about dinner tonight? I went to this really good spot down the street with Calum the other day if you want to try it?"

"Yeah, that would be great! Angus and I have the rest of the night and tomorrow off, so I won't need to be in bed by a certain time."

Judging by the sly grin on Ashton's face, I realised that what I said again, came out the wrong way.

"God, you guys always misinterperet what I say! I just meant we won't have to rush through dinner."

"No problem, I'll pick you up from your hotel around eight?" He smiled.


I realised that it was already close to five, and we still hadn't finished packing up and I needed to get ready. I stood up and finished getting my stuff when I made eye contact with Harry, who was looking confused and still sitting in the same spot on the couch.

I didn't say anything to him, I just gave him a smile and he returned it instantly which comforted me. I still wondered what he thought had gone on with Ashton and I.

Nothing had ever happened with him. We were just friends, and he was really entertaining. It was nice to find comfort in him, and I was excited to go out for a friendly dinner to catch up.

I did a lap around the room, giving everyone a goodbye hug. I was still a firm believer that you could tell a lot about a person's hugs, and I did add some knowledge about these guys on my belt.

I noticed that Liam was the best hugger, he actually squeezed you like he meant it. You could tell Zayn didn't like to be touched, as his lasted about a second. Louis twirled me around and almost made me fall over, then Niall the cheeky b*stard squeezed my sides and made me squeal.

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