Chapter 58: Part 2

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Jen's POV

Once the show was getting ready to start, Summer and I went out into the arena to find Eleanor. Perrie unfortunately wasn't able to come to the show because of work commitments. Angus stayed backstage like he usually did during shows now, and as much as I loved him, I loved the girl time I got when we got to watch the performances.

Summer seemed really excited to be here. As we were waiting for the show to start, I learned that her parents split up when she was really young, and she'd spend half the year in Los Angeles with her mum, and half the year in Sydney with her dad.

"So how much longer are you in Sydney?" I asked her.

"Just another month, then I'll be heading back to LA," she smiled.

"Oh wow, maybe we can hang out in America then when the tour heads there!" Eleanor joined in, they also seemed to hit it off quickly. Even though Summer was Sam's age, she fit in perfectly with our group. She was easy going, sweet, and someone I could see myself becoming friends with.

"Oh hey before I forget El, since there isn't a show tomorrow night, what do you say just us girls go out tomorrow? Me, you, Perrie and Gemma? And Summer please come with us, it will be so much fun," I said, suddenly remembering my plan for tomorrow night.

"Yes let's do it!" Eleanor said.

"I would love to," Summer smiled.

"Ugh, the press is going to have a field day," El rolled her eyes at the media attention we seemed to gather.

"Yeah we should probably warn you, sometimes when we're spotted out together, the media can get a little crazy. Since you're with us, you'll probably get linked to every single boy we're on tour with," I warned Summer with a small laugh.

"I think I can manage," she laughed too.

The lights when down, and immediately the 5SOS intro music began to play. The stadium erupted with the familiar roar of screaming girls, and we screamed right along with them.

Summer sang along with every word that the boys sang, and I loved that she was such a fan. Standing next to her was like standing next to Sam, I loved it. I could tell they were going to hit it off fast if they ever got to meet.

I invited Summer backstage with us after the show, but she said she had to get going since her dad didn't even know she was staying for the concert. We exchanged phone numbers, and made plans for all of us to get ready to go out in my room tomorrow evening.

Eleanor and I both gave her a hug, then made our way to the sweaty boys who were waiting backstage.

Harry smiled and walked over to me as soon a I walked into the room.

"Hello," he smiled, hugging me from behind like he always did.

"Hi," I smiled, reaching back to kiss him.

We went through the normal after show routine of exchanging stories of what happened during the night, and ended up cracking up as usual. Perrie had shown up at some point during the show, since she was now sitting on Zayn's lap on the couch and laughing along with everyone else.

Seeing her reminded me to bring up going out tomorrow night with her and Gemma.

"Hey, do you girls want to go out tomorrow night for a girl's night? Eleanor and I are down and then I invited this girl I met tonight named Summer to come with us, she's really cool," I said to Perrie and Gemma.

"Yeah let's do it!" Perrie yelled, and causing Gemma to laugh and nod along to the plan.

I felt Harry's arms tighten around my waist, "Please be careful, can I come to protect you?" He whispered in my ear.

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