Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

I asked to talk to Ashton alone, because I wanted to ask him if anything had ever happened between him and Jen. He seemed stand off-ish lately whenever her and I were around, and I didn't think he knew I had picked up on it.

We walked down into the opposite hallway before facing eachother.

"Hey man, I just wanted to see if everything is okay. You've seemed a little off lately, and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay," I said looking right at him.

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry for seeming that way. I just don't know how to handle all these rumors sometimes, it gets to be a little much," Ashton replied. I did notice a few things on twitter, but usually he was good at hiding his emotions over this kind of stuff.

"Trust me, I know. You just have to ignore them, the true fans will always be there and won't believe them. They'll stick up for you. Try not to invest to much into it!" I said, and felt bad for him.

I knew what it was like dealing with all of that, especially in the beginning. I would cry scrolling through my social media while we were just starting out, so I knew what he was going through completely.

"Also, I just wanted to ask you something a little more personal. It's been playing on my mind a bit. Has anything gone on with you and Jen... I just really am starting to like her, and I just wanted to know before her and I got closer..." I said trailing off. I suddenly felt awkward asking him and I didn't know why.

He looked up at me, then down at the ground and then back up at me again. He looked confused like he didn't know what to say, and my heart started beating a little faster.

"No man, nothing has happened between us. We're just friends," He said suddenly. A look of realisation crossed his face and the whole exchange seemed weird.

He said no though, and I felt a wave a relief go through me. He had no reason to lie to me, I wouldn't have been mad, so I just decided to trust his word.

"I'm crushing pretty hard for this girl anyway, but she's into someone else," he said looking down at the ground again.

"Girls are throwing themselves at you. Don't get hung up on someone who doesn't see what's right in front of her," I said punching him in the arm.

I had a small feeling he may have been referring to her, since I did know he was interested last year, and I got a weird feeling seeing them together when I arrived.

"Yeah that's true. These girls are pretty hot," He joked, and I just decided to let it go. Ash wasn't the type of guy to interfere in a friend's relationship as far as I knew, so I trusted him to back off.

We made our way back into the room, and started talking with everyone else about the upcoming show tonight. I felt comforted that nothing happened between him and Jen, and hoped he really was moving on from the hope he would be with her.

I wondered where she was, then I also noticed Gemma was missing. I hoped they were getting along, and Gemma wasn't messing anything up for me.



I was so intimidated, Gemma was a tiny person, but she was also Harry's sister, and I needed to make a good impression. When she said she wanted to steal me, I could feel heat rush to my cheeks.

Luckily her doing that took my mind off Harry wanting to talk privately with Ashton. I wondered if it was even something I should being up with him later. If he wanted me to know, I'm sure he would tell me.

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