Chapter 51

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Jen's POV

"What the f*ck is going on?" An angry voice startled me, and broke me away from Ashton. I turned around and saw Harry with a deep scowl on his face, his fists clenched at his sides.

He started stalking towards us, and Ashton jerked us both back, latching his arm around my waist.

"YOU DON'T F*CKING TOUCH HER YOU B*STARD!" Harry screamed at Ashton, pulling his free arm to get him away from me. He detached himself, and I stumbled forward.

Next thing I knew Harry had Ashton up against the wall, his fists gripping the neckline of his shirt.

"This is what you've been waiting for isn't it? You've been waiting for me to f*ck up so you could swoop in and take her from me. Guess what Ashton? She doesn't love you, she loves me, you'll never have her as long as I'm around!" I'd never seen this aggressive side to Harry, and honestly it scared me.

"You don't even deserve her Harry, I'm the one that's always here for her when you treat her like shit, I'm the one she turned to when you hurt her. So yes you are right, I am here waiting for you to f*ck up which is more often than not," Ashton's tone was just as harsh, and he mirrored Harry's deep scowl.

Harry's chest was raising and falling rapidly, as he intensely looked into Ashton's furious eyes.

"You were wrong about one thing though mate," Ashton continued, "I did have her, the night you broke her heart she was in my bed, not yours." The smirk on his face didn't sit well with me. My heart was pounding, it was as if he was trying to flaunt it and rub it in Harry's face, it made me resent him a little.

"What the f*ck did you just say?" He pulled him off the wall and backed him straight back into it hard. I was crying at this point, my hand clasping my mouth so no sobs could escape.

"You heard me, I f*cked your girlfriend! While you were home feeling sorry for yourself, losing the most important person in your life because you're a f*cking joke, I had her on that mattress." Harry pulled him back off the wall and threw him onto the floor, going down with him.

The two of them wrestled down on the floor, and I quickly ran over to them and tried to pull Harry off Ashton by fisting his shirt and pulling.

"HARRY, PLEASE STOP!" I shouted, but he ignored me and I was losing my grip.

"HARRY!" I shouted again, and this time he stopped. He climbed off Ashton and turned to face me.

Right now I was so hurt that Ashton would blurt that out just to brag, especially in the words that he used, like it meant nothing but revenge to him that Harry had won me over to begin with, and now Ashton finally got his shot with me. I could see how hurt Harry was when he looked at me, his eyes were burning right through me. I hated the power he had over me.

"Is it true?" He asked, sadness and panic filling his eyes. I knew this would destroy him, but I had to be honest.

"Ashton can you please just give us a minute!" I looked past Harry to Ashton who was now up on his feet, pulling his ripped shirt off.

"No I'm not leaving you here with him," he refused.

"Ashton, it wasn't a question, it was demand. Give me a minute to talk to him. If you care about me the way you claim you do, you'll leave," I scolded him. The sadness on his face told me he knew I was pissed off at him, so he grabbed another shirt and left the room.

I walked over to the bed and took a seat on the edge. I signalled for Harry to sit next to me but he declined.

"Please, if you want to talk, then sit," I said calmly. This is the first time I was seeing him since his confession, and I felt like I hated him less since I had two days to let it sink in.

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