Chapter 35

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(**Warning** this chapter includes mature content towards the end. If you don't like intimate detailed writing, please refrain from reading. This will be the only warning given)

Jen's POV

Harry reached out and rang the door bell as I nervously stood between him and Gemma. I took in the vision of my boyfriend who was wearing a red unbuttoned plaid shirt, covering a white t-shirt, and black skinny jeans. He looked so good today, my patience to restrain myself was wearing thin.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as I heard footsteps approach the front door, that stopped just as it opened.

"Oh my gosh!" Anne stood there excitedly staring at me.

"Hello darling, it's lovely to finally meet you," she practically ran out of the door way, and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back lightly, her gesture was slightly overwhelming.

"Ah mum, I think that's enough," Harry tried to get her attention, so she would detach herself from me.

"Oh I'm sorry love, I've just been so excited to meet you, Harry talks about you so much I feel like I already know you," she rubbed my arms up and down as she smiled at me.

She was a very beautiful woman, she looked quite young. She had medium length dark hair, a pearly white smile, and her eyes had that same sparkle in them that Gemma and Harry's had. I could see a lot of Harry in her, now I knew where he got his good looks from.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Twist," I called her by her surname to be polite.

"Call me Anne sweetheart," she flung an arm around my shoulder, and led me into the house.

"Hello mum, great to see you too," Gemma called out from behind us.

"Oh sorry darling, come on in," she turned her head to call her children to come inside.

The hallway was covered in photos of Gemma and Harry as children, teenagers and recently. A blown up photo of Gemma in her graduation gown, with Harry's arm flung around her as they both smiled at the camera hung in the centre. It was nice to see all these photographs of them together, their relationship reminded me of the relationship I had with my own sister.

"Take a seat darling, would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee, something fizzy?" She signalled for me to take a seat on the brown couch in the lounge.

"No thank-you, I'm fine for now," I gave her a smile as I sat down in the centre of the couch.

She smiled back at me and made her way over to her children, giving them each a hug and a kiss.

Gemma took a seat next to me, and Harry attempted to sit on the other side of me, but Anne stopped him.

"Don't even think about it Harry, that's my seat, you can sit over there," she pointed to the matching couch across from this one making an "L" shape.

"What is this? I can't even sit next to my own girlfriend now?" He smiled at her.

"No, you see her often enough, it's my turn to get to know her better," Anne took a seat next to me.

We talked for a while, getting to know each other a little better. She had told me she watched me on MTV every day, and she enjoyed watching Harry and I's interactions on camera.

"My sons never been very subtle when it comes to love, I can always tell when he fancies someone. With you though, it's different, just the look in his eyes when you're around him is brighter than I've ever seen.

There have been times I'm watching you interview someone, and Harry will be in the background just watching you and smiling to himself. Or when you interview him, he doesn't take his eyes off you, even when you're not talking to him.

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