Chapter 59

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Jen's POV

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window. That, mixed with the comfort of my boyfriend beneath me, were the perfect combination of easing this extreme headache I was enduring, due to my excessive alcohol consumption last night.

I laid here thinking about how happy I was to have Harry back in my arms, and how excited I was to get back home to Melbourne tonight. I missed my sister, and I missed sleeping in my own bed. It was nice getting to experience different hotels across the world, but no matter how many stars the hotel was, or how many thread count their sheets were, there was really no place like home.

I started running my fingers along the patterns of Harry's butterfly tattoo that covered his torso, and I suddenly remembered I still hadn't gotten round to asking him why he didn't wake me, the night he stayed in my apartment with me.

"You having fun there love?" Harry's husky voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Good morning," I propped up on my elbow, and kissed him.

"Good morning my beautiful girl, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" He looked up at me, tucking my lose strands of hair behind my ear.

"My head kills, but I think I'll manage. I'm starving though," my stomach grumbled as I said that last part.

"Well we don't need to do anything until tonight, so why don't I just order us some room service and stay in bed all day?" He suggested.

"That sounds perfect," I smiled, giving him another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he flipped us over, so he was now on top of me. He gave me a few lingering kisses, and I racked my fingers up and down his back. I knew he wanted more, but for my sake he restrained himself.

This whole taking it slow thing wasn't really working for me, but so far it was helping Harry and I's relationship get back on track. This just proved we didn't need sex to be emotionally connected to each other.

"I'm gonna go ask Gem and Angus if they want anything, I'll be right back," he left a kiss on my forehead and got out of bed.

"Babe you should probably put some sweats on before you go in there," I pointed to the budge in his boxers.

He looked down and laughed, "you should be proud," he looked back at me.

"Oh please, just put some pants on, I'm sure the first thing your sister wants to see in the morning, is not that little situation," I circled my finger in his direction.

"Little? Give me a little more credit than that," he winked.

"Okay cocky, just go ask them I'm hungry," I tried not to laugh. He pulled a pair of my sweats on which were too short for his long legs.

"You look hot," I giggled at his expense.

"Don't be cheeky," he smirked and left my room, closing the door behind him.

I turned the TV on and searched for something to watch while I waited for Harry to return.

My door opened within minutes of him leaving, and he closed it, leaning with his back against it with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him confused.

"I don't want to talk about it, I am never going in their room ever again, ever ever," he shook his head as if to rid the image of whatever he saw.

"Okay I won't ask what you saw, but I can gather, and if it's what I think it is, welcome to my world, I've walked in on them before," I shook my head, recalling that morning.

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