Chapter 40

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Jen's POV

I sat on Sam's bed and started crying. I was thankful Cal left because I didn't like people seeing me cry, even though it seemed like it had been happening a lot lately.

"What happened?" Sam asked, sitting on the bed next to me, rubbing her hand up and down my back.

"Harry's just been in a pissed off mood lately and I don't know what to do. I like him so much, but he just told me that I cause him to be angry and jealous all the time. How am I suppose to take that? I don't like being talked down to and he did just that," I said in between my tears.

I really was mad. I didn't like him jumping to conclusions, and that seemed like something he was good at. He never seemed to give me a chance to explain myself before he shut me out or got mad.

"What caused him to bring that up?" Sam asked.

"He found out about Angus and Gemma a few minutes ago, and was pissed that I didn't tell him," I said looking at her. Her eyes got wide and she nodded.

"I want Gemma to be able to trust me too. She's Harry's sister and she's my friend. It's important that I maintain those relationships with his family, but he just took it as me keeping something from him," I said. I had stopped crying for the most part and was mainly just angry now.

"Yeah, thats not really fair of him to get so mad. I can see why he's upset, but he should also understand where you're coming from too. Is he mad at Gemma and Angus?"

"Yeah he's furious at them. After he started getting mad at me, I told him he can't talk to me the way he did and to figure things out with Gemma, then I came here," I sighed.

"Well, he has a lot to process I guess. Let him figure things out with Gemma and make him come to you. I don't think you did anything wrong, he just needs to cool down. I mean how would you feel if you just found out I was sleeping with one of your friends?" Sam said with a smile to try and make me feel better.

"Well you kind of are," I joked back.

"That's different! We've been up front about everything and we don't hide it, plus Calum likes me way more than he likes you!" She laughed.

"I know, I know, I'm just kidding."

I layed back on her bed with my legs dangling off the end, and she mimicked my movements so we were laying side by side.

"Everything will be fine. You guys are like meant to be or whatever," Sam said, and I starting laughing at her failure at being cheesy.

"I hope so," I said, and we continued to look up at the ceiling as I contemplated my current life.


Harry's POV

"You won't talk to me like you just did, so you stay and talk. I'm leaving," Jen said in a voice that was all too serious. She was mad and I could tell. I didn't realise how harsh I was coming off until she called me out on it.

"Where are you going?" I asked her, trying to calm my voice as much as I could.

"Not to Ashton, I know that's what you're thinking," She said flipping her hair over her shoulder, and slamming the door on the way out.

That comment hurt, she was playing one of my insecurities against me, but she sort of had every right to right now. I felt bad for being so frustrated, but I was upset that she kept this from me.

I knew I was jumping to conclusions again, but I couldn't stop. It was like my mind was on overdrive with her, and she seemed too good to be true. I somehow flip the worst case scenario on her when I shouldn't.

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