Chapter 70

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Jen's POV

The bumpy road made it almost impossible to keep my eyes shut any longer. I could hear Niall and Louis playing video games together beside me, as Eleanor screamed for her boyfriend to "shut the hell up".

I had a vivid dream last night that Harry was in this room, talking with Eleanor. It was all a huge blur in my mind now, but I remember him promising me he would be better for me.

He didn't need to be better, he was already the man I wanted him to be. I was known for overreacting, and last night was one major overreaction on my part. From being upset at him for wanting space, to going off at him for assuming he thought I wanted to hook up with Ashton, right up until me telling the boys and Eleanor I felt like a play toy.

I knew this was all my fault, and I should have been more considerate of his feelings. I was the one that should have been promising him I would be better for him, and I had every intention of telling him that.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Niall turned his attention to me when he noticed me sit up.


"How are you feeling this morning?" He paused the game to talk.

"Like a complete bitch! Was he crying when you checked on him?" I asked, hoping the answer would be no.

"Yeah, he...he had a bad dream last night, I woke up when I heard him screaming after you." My heart immediately broke.

I hated the thought of Harry going to sleep upset, and to hear he was calling after me in his sleep made me feel all the more worse.

"Do you know what the dream was about?" I asked him.

"Nah he didn't say, he asked if you were still here then he came in here for while."

Harry was here? With me? This wasn't the first time he had come and gone from my sleeping side, with me completely oblivious to it.

"I spoke to him," Eleanor joined in the conversation.

"What was he saying?" I asked her, nervous for whatever it was she knew about this dream.

"He really loves you Jen, the way he looks at you, it's like no one else in the world matters. He was even talking about marrying you which surprised me, but it just showed me he loves you so much. More than i've ever known him love anyone.

He had a dream that you left him, and he couldn't get to you. He mentioned something about how the chase get's tiring or something along those lines. I think he's afraid of losing you."

It wasn't possible for my heart to sink anymore than it had. Maybe I did hear Harry tell me he wants to be better for me, subconsciously, and to hear he thought I would leave him again, broke my heart even more.

The room fell silent for a few moments until the bus came to a halt.

"Breakfast! We're here for an hour then we're headed for the hotel and you can all unload!" Paul stepped onto the bus and yelled down it loud enough for us all to hear. The remaining boys, except for Harry, left their bunks and got dressed for breakfast.

I wondered why Harry wasn't leaving his bunk, and I considered just jumping in with him and skipping the food, but I remembered I promised Ashton I would speak to Calum.

"Oh shit!" I said out loud, remembering to check my phone to see if Sam had contacted me. I remembered I had left it at the front of the bus to charge, so I quickly rushed over to retrieve it.

"LB are you coming out for breakfast?" Eleanor asked as she passed me.

"Yeah coming now!" I pulled a sweater over my tank top and leggings, and put some shoes on, stepping off the bus with my phone in hand.

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