Chapter 28

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Jen's POV

I listened to his words play out in my head like my favourite song. He asked me to be official with him, and the butterflies in my stomach completely took flight.

The smile on my face continued to grow, and I knew I needed to speak up and say something, because I felt like an idiot just standing in front of him grinning.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him.

As soon as our lips met, I could feel the nervousness fall off of him. I started to pull away, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Our kiss felt different this time. His lips were slow and lazy, taking his time to taste every inch of my mouth. I knew us standing in the middle of the beautifully lit park, kissing passionately, would probably end up on the front cover of some magazine, but we didn't have anything to hide now. We were eachother's.

We finally pulled apart, and Harry looked at me with excitement playing all over his beautiful face. We began walking again, him taking my hand in his.

"Ready to go home?" He said.

"Home? You're sure moving fast Mr. Styles!" I joked. My eyes hadn't left him, I was watching him as we walked.

"I just meant are you ready to get out of here? Like go back to my place and hang out," he laughed.

"I'm just giving you a hard time, but yes, that sounds perfect," I smiled and leaned further into him.


We made it back to his place before anyone else, and I assumed we'd have the place to ourselves for awhile, since everyone was having such a great time before Harry and I left.

"Would you like some tea?" Harry said walking into the kitchen. He rubbed his hands together trying to warm them up from the cold before opening up a cabinet, and pulling out two mugs.

"Yeah that sounds great, it got really cold all of a sudden!" I laughed coming up behind him.

He moved around the kitchen gathering everything he needed, before setting up the water kettle to get the water hot.

He leaned back against the counter facing me, and pulled me back to him.

"I'm really happy you're my girlfriend," He said, pulling me again so I was leaning into his chest.

"Me too, I think we're good together," I said, but it came out muffled against his chest. I could feel him vibrate with a chuckle at my mumbled words.

"And now, I can torture you on stage even more, Ms. I-get-so-hot-watching-Harry," he laughed.

I pulled away from him and looked up at his face with shock and embarrassment, that he just said that. I was going to kill Gemma.

"I'm just giving you a hard time! That's all Gemma told me, I swear. It was just to reassure me that you really felt something for me," he was still laughing through some of his words at my facial expression.

"That's so embarressing. You weren't suppose to know that, not yet anyway!" I didn't mean to let that last part slip out, but of course it did.

"Not yet?" He questioned, looking at me with a cheeky grin.

"I just meant...don't worry about it!" I said waving a hand in front of my face. I was digging myself a deeper hole that I knew he would make me explain.

"Tell me!" He said with an amused look on his face.

"I just meant that eventually I was going to tell you how hot you are on stage, and how sexy it makes me feel that I get to take you home," I said in a whisper.

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