Chapter 43

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Jen's POV

"Ah do you smell that?" Niall took a deep breath in with his arms spread open, as we stepped off the plane.

"Smell what?" I asked Niall curiously, I couldn't smell anything unusual.

"Smells like home," he smiled and swung an arm around my neck. "I'm so happy to be here, and I'm so excited for you to see where I'm from, Ireland is the best country in the world!"

"No, absolutely not!" Harry joked and pushed his arm off me, swinging his own arm around my waist.

"You're right Harry, because Australia is!" I winked at them both as I spun out of Harry's hold.

"Clearly, since it produced you," he smiled back, quite proud of his compliment.

"I love Melbourne, it's like a second home to me, I have family over there. Speaking of family do we get to meet yours?" Niall asked.

I hadn't even thought about it, I knew I wanted Harry to meet them, but it would be nice to take all the guys home and meet my family.

"If you'd like," I smiled. Harry squeezed my hand, his face turning from a smile into looking uncomfortable .

"What's wrong?" I stopped us from walking so he could tell me.

"I just...I want to meet your parents without the rest of them. I feel like it's an important part of a relationship, and I kind of want them to get to know me on my own, without the boys. Is that weird?"

It warmed my heart to know he wanted to meet my parents, I found it sweet he wanted their attention on him and only him.

"Of course, we're in Melbourne for most of that leg of tour so they'll have plenty opportunities to meet my family. My parents are going to love you," I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Is that so?" He smiled back at me. "And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Because I-"

"Oi you two, hurry up!" Niall interrupted me as I was about to tell Harry I loved him. Everyone was doing a really good job of that lately, I suppose the moment just wasn't right.

"Coming," I called out, walking hand in hand with Harry out of the airport, to a mob of fans snapping photos and yelling things out before we made it to the cars.


"Jen, what do you think about me asking my sister and Angus to come out for dinner with us tonight?"

Harry managed to surprise me everyday. He had barely associated with his sister or Angus since he found out about them, but now he was turning our planned date night into an opportunity to accept his sister's relationship.

"I think that's an amazing idea, are you sure you're ready for that though? You've barely spoken to either of them."

I really hoped this dinner wouldn't be awkward. Angus was one of my best friends, being around him and Harry together was proving to be a very uncomfortable situation.

"I've just been immature, if they are happy then who am I to stand in their way? Angus is a really good guy so I'm going to have to accept it," he sighed, finally agreeing to accept it.

"I'm so proud of you, you're being very mature about this. It's actually really sexy," I stepped between his legs as he was sitting on the end of the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Is it now?" He gave me a cheeky grin and squeezed my hips. "How about another shower then? I can show you what sexy really is baby," he winked.

My cheeks burnt red at the thought of showering with him again, but it sent a thrill through me too.

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