Chapter 15

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Jen's POV

It had been two weeks since the UK trip, and I hadn't been in contact with Ashton nor Harry.

My mum had grilled me the day after I got home over breakfast about the photos of Harry and I, which ended up plastered all over every gossip magazine in Australia.

I assured her it was one date and nothing had come of it, we hadn't even kept in contact since he texted me to have a safe flight. Of course he had already had two other rumoured girlfriends since me, so the hate on social networking had died down a little bit.

I couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to the stories. A photo had emerged of Harry in his Range Rover, with some model I recognised from a reality TV show I liked. It was probably nothing more than a publicity stunt, to gain ratings.

Jealousy stirred in my stomach as I stared at the photo, wishing it were me next to him. I wondered if he ever thought of me the way I thought of him, every day since I had left the UK.

After mum had played her twenty questions about my non existent relationship with Harry, I thought it would be a good time to ask her about Sydney.

Initially she had said no, but my sister and I had always been quite persuasive. The fact myself and my best friend Bella would be there put her mind at ease, and she finally agreed to let us go.

"No excessive drinking, no drugs, don't take drinks from strangers, and no sex," were her final rules as we left for the airport to head to Sydney.

As we pulled out of the drive way I nudged Sam who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Yeah Sam, no sex," I laughed. Bella laughed from the back seat.

She snapped her head to face me, her mouth curving into a cheeky smile, "Can't make any promises I'm not sure I can keep," she giggled, obviously thinking about what her and Calum may get up to tonight.

When we arrived at the airport I immediately regretted my decision to leave the state on New Years Eve. It was flooded with people, the line to check our bags in spilled out from the designated barriers.

Bella took this as an opportunity to further question Sam about Calum.

I was glad Bella could come along, she was not only my best friend, but my room mate. We had moved in together recently after being best friends since we were teens.

She was blonde with green eyes, a little taller than me, and full of life. She was an extrovert just like Sam, so when those two were together they made me do things I would never normally do. I knew this New Years was going to be interesting with those two influencing me.

After what seemed like hours, we finally checked our bags in and immediately boarded our plane, leaving no time to spare.

The flight was quick, but in that hour Sam had managed to shove a whole bag of M&M's, a bag of chips, a coke and some Tim Tam's down her throat.

"Fuelling up for your big night are ya?" I teased her.

"Shut up, I'm a nervous eater okay! I haven't seen him in a year, well not properly anyway," she answered tensely.

"You really need to calm down, I know he really likes you, and you obviously like him so there's no reason to be nervous," I assured her.

That seemed to put her mind at ease a little as she smiled at my response.

"Yeah babe, we're going to make you look so hot that Calum won't even want to leave the hotel room, because he'll want to rip that dress right off you," Bella added, smiling.

Something Great (H.S)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें