Chapter 38

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Harry's POV

When Jen said that Ashton was always there for her, and that he was one of the best people she's met, it was like a punch to the stomach. Not because I didn't want them to be friends, because I knew nothing happened with them, but because I was the reason that Ashton was there for her.

I was the one that didn't give her a chance after our first date to deal with the paparrazzi and rumours herself, instead I ran like a scared little kid and she ended up confiding in Ashton.

I got up to excuse myself, and that probably made me look like an ass, but I didn't want to sit there and feel more guilty and jealous about their friendship. Sometimes my mother didn't know what was appropriate to ask, and asking my girlfriend who her favourite guy at the table was, wasn't one she should of asked.

I knew my mum was trying to be nice and make conversation by asking which one of the 5 Seconds of Summer guys Jen liked best, but I guess I had expected Jen to not answer, or say I was just the best no matter what, and when she didn't it kind of stung.

I made my way to the loo and splashed some cold water on my face. I knew it was probably childish to act like this, but I didn't care. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts.

I made my way back to the door and met my mum waiting outside for me.

"Harry, what happened?" She asked, her voice full of concern.

"Nothing," I said looking past her.

"Harry," she said again.

"I guess I just got a little jealous. Her and Ashton are good friends, and for some reason I find that intimidating. I don't want her to know that though and when she automatically said Ashton when you asked her that question, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way is all," I sighed back to her. It was annoying how she somehow always got my thoughts out of me.

"Oh sweetie, you have nothing to worry about. I see the way she looks at you and I can tell you're the only one on her mind. That's why I assumed it was okay to ask her that silly question. I can tell by the way she watches you from across the room, or the way she looks at you on stage, even though you don't notice, she's always watching your reaction after almost everything that is said."

I guess I never really noticed her watching me. Yeah I've caught her staring a few times, but that's just because I thought she thought I was attractive. My mums words comforted me a lot, but I still felt a little uneasy.

"I really like her mum, she's the first girl I've ever really felt this way about," I confessed.

"I know sweetheart, I see it in your eyes. Come on, let's get back over there."

She linked her arm with mine and we walked back to the group. As we approached the table, I noticed Jen looking down at her hands that were neatly folded in her lap. I looked around the table again, and I noticed Ashton was gone.

It made me uneasy that he left so rapidly after that exchange. If it was harmless, then why did Jen look so guilty, and why was Ashton no longer here. No one else seemed phased by what happened, so maybe I was just over thinking things.

"Okay, well it's getting late and I'm tired. Are you all done?" Niall yawned. He always got tired after he ate, and if he got tired enough, I knew he would get agitated.

We all paid and got up, and I chose to walk out to the cars next to my mum. It's not that I was trying to ignore Jen, I just wanted to get my thoughts together before I made any decisions. I made that mistake once before by not giving her a chance, and I didn't want to jump to conclusions again.

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