Chapter 74

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Jen's POV

"Pass the wine would you!" Perrie called out to Eleanor, who was already pouring her third glass of red tonight.

"Wait your bloody turn!" She shooed her off, taking a mouthful from her glass, then refilling it to replace what she had just drunk.

We had gotten extra duvet's, pillows, and blankets sent to the hotel room, and covered the floor in them to create one large bed, around the double bed that already occupied the room. We decided none of us would take the bed, since we couldn't decided who deserved it more.

We were all already feeling a little tipsy, probably a bad idea since we had decided to go watch the 5SOS boys perform on The Today Show, tomorrow morning at 5am.

"How about a game of truth or dare then?" Sophia suggested.

"I'm not nearly drunk enough for this game!" Eleanor laughed at the suggestion. To me she looked well buzzed already, and more than capable of playing.

"El, shut up, you're playing!" I pushed her, causing her to fall onto her side in fits of laughter.

"I think she's drunk enough!" Perrie laughed along.

"Okay come on, in a circle," Sophia huddled us all around.

"Since it's Kirstin's birthday in a few hours, she should go first," she decided.

"I'm scared!" She giggled, getting herself comfortable.

"Come on, truth or dare?" We all looked at her, eagerly awaiting her answer.

"Truth..." She said hesitantly.

"Playing it safe I see..." Sophia rose an eyebrow up at her, "Okay, have you let Luke shag you yet?" She blurted out.

I felt a little embarrassed for her, my sex life wasn't really something I even liked to talk about sober, let alone drunk. Plus she was much younger than me.

"Not yet, I told him I wanted to wait until I was eighteen, we've done everything else though," she answered confidently, and I was surprised at her honesty.

"Do you plan on losing your V card this trip?" Eleanor added.

"Maybe..." She gave a mischievous look over the rim of her wine glass, taking a sip. A chorus of ooo's filled the room, and Kirstin's cheeks started going a bright red.

"Okay okay it's my turn to ask!" She turned the attention off herself, and looked around the room. "Sam, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" She flipped her long hair off her shoulder dramatically.

"Okay, let me think..." Kirstin tapped her glass in concentration. "Okay I dare you to call Calum, but you have to pretend like you've snuck off into the bathroom or something, and you have to say every single word we mouth out for you."

"Oh my gosh, perfect!" Perrie clapped in approval.

"Oh God, should I trust you all though?" Sam looked nervous, and so she should be with this lot. She was my sister and I wouldn't let them embarrass her usually, but tonight was meant to be fun, so I was up to play along with whatever Kirstin had planned.

"Yes! Come on, get your phone and call him, and tell him you've gone off to the bathroom because you wanted to talk to him!" Kirstin instructed.

"Ah, fine!" She rolled her eyes and crawled over to where her phone was, bringing it back to the group.

"Put him on speaker!" Sophia called out. Sam followed her instructions, and called Cal while we all waited anxiously for him to answer.

"Hey babe," he answered.

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