Chapter 22

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Jen's POV

I decided to take hot shower as soon as we got back to the room, hoping the steam would help free the redness of my eyes from crying after lunch with Angus.

It scared me that I cried too easily at the thought of hurting Ashton, but Angus brought up things I hadn't completely thought through.

I knew what I wanted and that was Harry, I just knew it was going to be difficult maintaining my desired friendship with Ashton, since all of us were going to be so close to each other in the upcoming months.

I was ready for the challenge.

I got out of the shower and embraced the feeling of the steamy bathroom, and wrapped my hair up in a towel, shuffling over to my suitcase that I still hadn't unpacked.

I had been thinking about what I wanted to wear all day, and I had finally decided on a blue dress that hugged my body with long sleeves. I adored this dress and thought tonight would be the perfect occasion.

I put my hair in loose curls and left my eye make up simple with a bold pink lip, and made my way out of my room to meet Angus.

He was sitting on the couch watching some show about food, wearing black pants and a matching black button down shirt.

"Looks like certain bands are rubbing off on your style, Angus," I startled him from his show.

"I look sexy. You look pretty damn good yourself, planning to impress someone?" He joked as he stood up to leave.

"A lady always looks nice," I said attempting a flirty smile, but he let out a laugh.

"You wear leggings and T-Shirts most of the time, so I guess you aren't a lady," He laughed again.

"Ugh! You never let me have anything!" I stomped my foot like a child, then realised what I did and laughed as well.

"Just shut up, let's get going. We're suppose to be there, like now," I said looking down at the time on my phone.

I knew we'd most likely be the last ones to arrive and I hated being late. Angus of course didn't seem to care, and was singing loudly along with the radio on the way there. His goofiness always seemed calmed me.

My phone buzzed and I saw Harry's name flash.

Harry: Where are you babe?

Jen: Almost there! Save me a seat (;

I quickly replied. We were pulling into the parkng lot now so I knew I'd be seeing him shortly, and my stomach fluttered.

We got out of our car and we made our way into the restaurant, laughing at him still singing, even though the car and the music were gone.

The hostess took us back to the large table in the back of the restaurant, and all heads turned to look at us. It was a little bit intimidating still to have the biggest band in the world staring at you, no matter the fact that we were all friends now.

The One Direction boys were seated on one side, and the 5 Seconds of Summer guys on the other. MTV and band management were randomly strewn in between people, and everyone began talking to eachother again as various hellos were thrown at Angus and I.

There was an empty seat at the far end of the table and an empty one in between Harry and Niall. As soon as Harry saw me, he stood up and walked over to me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi," he simply said, with his cute smile attached.

"Hi yourself," I let him lead me to the seat between him and Niall. He pulled my chair out for me, and I sat down and was greeted by Niall who handed me a beer like he was waiting for me.

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