Chapter 69

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Harry's POV

"We're engaged," I couldn't have heard my sister right. You know how in the movies when someone goes into shock and suddenly the world is mute, and all you can see is people's lips moving? That is exactly what was happening to me right now.

They'd only been together five months, no more than Jen and I. However, I knew I wanted to be with Jen the second I met her, which was a month prior to us finally dating. Angus and Gemma were constantly at each others throats, they were fighting five minutes ago for God sake.

My mind was a complete mess, and I couldn't keep up with my own thoughts right now. A part of me was jealous my sister was getting engaged, and I wasn't.

I knew I was only twenty, and everyone would say "oh you're too young to know what you want," but I was completely sure this is what I wanted, and right now I'd never been more certain, but I knew Jen, nor I really, were ready.

She told me one day she would want to marry me, and I'd just have to hold onto that until I felt the time was right to ask her to spend her life with me.

It wasn't even really that, that had me so objective to this new development. My issue with Gemma getting married so soon, was much deeper than the fact she had what I wanted.

"Harry?" The only voice that was able to bring me back to reality, and the only voice I wanted to hear right now, snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Babe say something, your sister just got engaged!" I looked to Jen and she was smiling, tears threatening the brim of her excited brown eyes.

She was happy? I knew Angus was her best friend, and she was happy for him, but didn't she also think it was a little soon for them to get married?

There were two options I could go with right now- one, I could congratulate them and walk away, or the second I could scream this pizza parlour down, and tell them what complete idiots they were for rushing into this.

But I knew I couldn't do that, not with Jen watching me, expecting me to agree this was the best news possible.

I stood up from my seat, everyone's attention was on me and my next move, and I made my way to Gemma and Angus. I went to open my mouth to congratulate them, but no words came out.


I was frozen in place, and I was sure I looked like a complete moron right now. So without a word, I walked away.

I ran my hand through my hair, tugging at it in frustration as I made my way back onto the bus. I just needed time to process all of this. She was my older sister, she was meant to show me what was right and wrong, and influence my life decisions. What kind of example was she leading by getting engaged after such a short period of time, to a guy she couldn't even commit to living with?

She had always been impulsive, and she had always rushed into things much too quickly, I just didn't want to see her hurt...again.

That was my main worry over this whole thing, Gemma getting hurt. Of course I was a little jealous still that Angus got to call the girl he loved his future wife now, but Gemma's happiness should come first in this situation.

I saw what she was like when she broke up with her last boyfriend. She rushed into living with him, and that's when it all turned sour. I watched my sisters entire world come crashing down, and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. I was on tour, and by the time I got home she was lying in the aftermath alone.

She was there for me when Jen broke up with me, when my world came crashing down, she did something for me that I couldn't do for her- she was there for me. I didn't want her going through that pain again, she was too good of a person, and her heart was too big for her own good.

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