Chapter 50

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Jen's POV

With tears streaming down my face, I opened my contacts on my phone and found the name I was looking for. Without hesitation I clicked on it and it connected.

The phone was answered on the first ring. "Hello?" he asked.

"Ashton," I cried.

"Jen, what's going on? What's wrong?" He asked, sounding panicky.

"I just.." I breathed out, not knowing what to tell him. "Can I just come over?" I finally just said.

"Yeah of course, you don't even have to ask. You know where we're staying, right?"

"Yeah," I whispered into my phone, and began to walk to my car.

"Okay, just come up when you get here. I'm in room 512, security knows who you are, but they're being weirdly strict here," he said.

I nodded and then realised he couldn't see me. "Thanks Ash, I'm leaving now," I said and hung up my phone.

I walked back to my apartment block, and got in my car. My One Direction CD automatically started playing. I slammed my hands down on my steering wheel and started crying again. I hit the eject button and thought about breaking it in half, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I threw it towards the back seat of my car, not caring where it landed or if it got scratched.

I flipped on the radio and Say Something filled my speakers. I set my head down against my steering wheel and thought "of course this would come on right now" to myself. I sighed and just decided to drive to the hotel in silence, not trusting my emotions enough to listen to music tonight.

I pulled up to the hotel and there were about twenty girls in the lobby. By the look of it, some of the boys must have been downstairs taking pictures, because they were far too excited to be talking to no one.

I made my way towards the crowd and saw Luke and Michael standing around talking to fans. I had hoped to go by unnoticed given the state that I was in, but one fan turned towards me.

"Jen!" She yelled, and I wiped my eyes and gave her the best smile I could muster up. Luckily the other girls were too into the boys that they didn't come over to me.

"Whoa are you okay?" She asked, observing the mess of a state I was emotionally in.

"Yeah, just a bit sick is all," I choked out.

"I hope you feel better. Can I take a picture with you?" She asked. She seemed very sweet and she was the only one paying attention to me. I was grateful that she was so nice, but I definitely didn't want any photos taken tonight.

"Um actually, I would prefer not taking photos tonight, just because I look horrible," I chuckled, holding back my pain. "I can follow you on twitter though and help you out really quick with Luke and Michael though if you want?"

Her face lit up and she said "Thank you so much, are you sure? And you still look beautiful, sick or not," she smiled, and her kindness made a tear roll down my cheek.

She must have noticed because without saying anything, she embraced me in a hug and I melted into it. I didn't even know this girl, but everyone who knew me knew I was a sucker for a hug, so I was grateful I ran into someone like her, not some bitchy girl who took a photo of me crying and then put it on online.

She gave me her twitter handle before I broke through the rest of the crowd, earning looks from the other girls. I had pulled the hood up of the sweatshirt I was wearing to try and hide my identity from the other people there, and I think it had worked.

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