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Dan picked at the broken glass of his phone as they waited for the doctor. About 3 minutes later, the door opened.

"Mr Philip Lester?" A voice called. It was a policeman.

"Uh, thats me..." Phil answered.

"We understand this is a difficult time for you but I just need to talk to you quickly, in private if you like?" He said, looking at Dan.

"Uh, I can wait outside if you like?" Dan stuttered.

"No, thats fine. Stay." Phil said.

"Well, I understand you, uh... tried to take your own life, and I have to recommend you stay here for a while and get treatment. I cant force you to do anything here but it is strongly advised as we dont want you to be a danger to yourself." He seemed nervous.

"I... no. I cant. I have Dan to look after me. Hes all I need." Phil smiled at Dan.

"Well if thats what you want. Although please don't dismiss the idea. Also, we have your things for you to collect at the station. They need to be collected by the 31st." The policeman said as he left.

Phil looked at Dan. "They want me to stay here. They think im crazy..." He looked down.

"No Phil! Theyre just worried for you." Dan smiled. "Im going to find a doctor and ask about sunday, I told Al I'd call him back!" Dan smiled and left the room.

  Phil was left alone with his thoughts.
What if PJ is at the flat.
          What if he tries to hurt him or Dan again.

Phil shuddered.

Dan returned five minutes later.

"They said it should be fine! I told Al and everything seems okay! They said theyre going to turn off all these machines today and see how you are without them and if everythings okay you can come home in 2 days! How greats that!?" Dan was beaming!

"I... I can't go back there. Back to the flat. What if PJs there? He has a key. If he comes back he'll kill me! Oh my god, and..." Phil took a deep breath. "And... he...he has my wallet, my phone, he knows where I live. He could come any day. He could come back Dan. Please Dan dont let him get me again. I cant do it again Dan." Phils breathing quickened. His chest felt tight.

"Shh Phil, it's okay. We'll replace the locks, in fact, I'll go home and do it today-"

"No! You cant go back alone. What if PJs there? Look what he did to you! Wr have no idea what else hes capable of! He stabbed himseld Dan!" Phil was crying.

"Its okay Phil. I..." Dan didnt know what to say. Phil was right.

A/N ahh stuff. is pj still in the house? ooohh you wont know until next time! (pls keep reading ily) and /he/ could come back omg cliffhangers! Im also writing another fic (12 months) and it would be amazing if you checked it out! although this fic will be my priority.

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