the apartment

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Dan had to go and change the locks. He couldnt have PJ just walking in. But Phil was right. Who knew what PJ was capable of?

Dan waited until Phil was asleep and headed back to the apartment, stopping at a hardware store first to pick up a new lock and key.

When he got to the flat, PJ was nowhere to be seen.
Thank god. Dan thought to himself.

He grabbed the toolbox and got to work changing the lock, struggling with his limited use of one hand.

It took a while,but he managed.

He felt safer instantly.

He found his wallet in his room and headed to the bus stop.

When he reached the doors to the apartment block, he heard a voice call his name. It was PJ.

"Dan wait." he called.

Dan thought, surely I'll be okay if I get outside. He wont do anything in broad daylight... right? And stepped outside before turning his head to face him.

"Where are you going?" PJ called.

"To pick up Phils stuff from the police station." Dan replied.

"Its always about Phil with you. Why is that?" PJ snapped.

"Because I love him." Dan sighed. PJ just wasnt going to take no for an answer.

"Well, is he dead? Or did he get arrested? Im curious." PJ mumbled.
Neither Dan thought... Although what would PJ do if Phil was dead?

"What do you care?" Dan said sourly.

"I don't, I just..." PJ trailed off.

"Peej?" Dan asked, he could see something was wrong.
Wait. Was he really feeling bad for someone who stabbed himself and blamed his 'friend?'

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I didn't want anything bad to happen to Phil, I just wanted him to leave. Find someone else. Then you could see how perfect you are for me! We could be together and be hapoy without him!" PJ started to cry. "I'm sorry Dan. I didnt want to hurt you." He sniffed.

"Uh, it's okay? Phils not dead. He's in hospital. He nearly died. He's very ill and its our fault PJ. I cant leave him. He needs me now more than ever." Dan sighed. "I think its best if you just stay out of our life from now on."

A/N well that was uneventful.... meh

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