Welcome To My Masquerade

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**The journal entry is Amber's but the chapter is in Dean's POV. Enjoy! ;)**

November 8, 2013
I haven't been writing a whole lot... A bunch has happened this past week. I've been spending a lot of time with Sam and Dean. Cas too, of course. They haven't started training me yet, but I hope they will soon. We've pretty much just been hanging out and trying to figure out this whole fallen angel thing. I'm still not sure if I want my grace back. If I was kicked out of Heaven, then does it even belong to me? Where do I even begin to look for it if I do want it back? I have no idea what could've happened to it all these years. Some angel must have taken it by now. Probably an archangel, the one that gave me the big ol' block of jack. Well, tonight I finally get to have a normal night. Its the masquerade ball! I've always really loved this party. The outfits, the masks, the mystery. And now Sam, Dean, and Cas or coming. So, it should be pretty interesting.

Dean's POV

Sam and I were back at our motel room getting ready for this masquerade ball. I had never been to one of these before so I didn't really know what to expect. Everyone's going to be wearing masks so how am I supposed to know who's who?

Sam was getting dressed in the bathroom, and I was just in the motel room. The theme of the party was black and white. Luckily, we had our FBI suits. Thy would work for a party like this. We did have to go shopping though. We don't usually like to carry around our masquerade masks when hunting. That was sarcasm if you didn't catch that. We also had to pick up some new ties because out of all the ties we own, we don't have any black or white. Sam picked up a solid black tie, and I got a solid black bowtie. I don't usually wear bowties but I figured, why not?

I put on my suit and tie and grabbed my mask. I've always really like the bandit type masks. The kind that you tie around your head. I decided I would wait until we got there to actually put the mask on. While we were shopping, I decided to add a little flare to my costume. I bought a black fedora hat. That's right because I look awesome in fedoras.

Just after I finished getting ready, Sam walked out of the bathroom. He looked like his usual fake FBI self, except for the change in tie. The mask he held in his hand was a half-mask. The kind that covers half of your face, stopping just above the end of your nose. It was black with white outlining the eyes and the outside. It had little white swirls coming off the corners of the eyes, too.

I held out my hands, waiting for Sam to say something. Its not everyday a handsome guy like myself gets a fedora hat to go with his suit. "Wow, Dean. I never took you for the hat type." He said, holding back a laugh.

I frowned. "Hey, I look awesome in this hat, and you know it." Sam chuckled and went to put his stuff in his bag. "You ready to go?" Sam stood up and nodded. I grabbed the keys and headed out the door with Sam on my heels.

"Where's this party at again?" I asked, opening the car door.

"Uh, the Frost Amphitheatre. Apparently its where they hold all their big parties." Sam replied, getting into the passenger seat. I guess they didn't use that place when he went to Stanford. I started the car and turned on the radio. I backed out of the parking lot, and we were on our way to a ball.


When we arrived at the party, it was already pretty packed. Sam and I glanced at each other before walking inside. Inside was a butt load of people, all wearing masks, all dancing. The room was heavily decorated with black and white decorations. The curtains on the stage were white, the tables off to the sides were black. They even managed to get a white disco ball instead of a silver one.

"Wow, they are really picky about their colors." I stated, looking around the giant room, trying to find Amber or Dakota or Cas or somebody. "Yeah." Sam agreed breathlessly.

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