Author's Note & News

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Hey guys! Yeah, I know. You saw there was an update and most likely got excited. Sorry to disappoint. I just wanted to give you guys some news and tell y'all some stuff and what not. I figured this would be the easiest way to tell most of my fans since this is my most popular book.

So, first of all, I have 2 chapters of SOTF written but not typed. I'll try to update again soon. The next chapter is actually pretty funny. ;) Also, I have some sad news and some happy news regarding SOTF. The sad news is that there's only 12 chapters left until the end. Yes, I know!! That's horrible news! But the happy news is that there will be a sequel!! :) YAY!

I have another set of good news and bad news though. Actually no its just bad news. 2 things. One, you're gonna hate me when I end the first book. Don't ask why, you'll know eventually. Second, you're gonna hate me even more because I won't be starting the sequel immediately. I still have 2 other fanfictions as well as this one, and I barely have time to update those because of school. Plus, I need to get some stuff planned out first. So, sorry about that. :/

Next, my updates on Winchester 3.0 might be a bit slower than usual because I never really took the time to plan everything out like I did for SOTF and TDYK. I have an idea of what's going to happen in the next few chapters but I have to figure out exactly how its going to happen and when.

I've also posted a new book called My Fandom Quote of the Day. Each day I will update a chapter with a new quote. All the quotes will be Supernatural quotes until season 10 premieres. Then they'll expand out to other fandoms. Sometimes I'll want to challenge you guys and ask you a question about a quote. Like who said it, or who they were talking to, or what season or episode it happened in. If you're the first person to answer correctly, you'll get a dedication and maybe even a little something extra. ;) Like a shoutout or something.

Next, as you're all aware, a 20 random things about me challenge has been going around. Well, I have completed this challenge and am adding to my 20 random things book. If there are any questions you want to ask me, about anything, pm me or comment on that book and I will answer them in a chapter with a dedication. :)

Also having to do with that, I'm thinking about starting a book similar to that but for characters. My fanfiction characters to be exact. If there's anything you guys wanna know about any of my characters that I haven't written, you can just ask me in that book, and I'll answer it as if I was the character. Sound good? Let me know what you think. :)

One last thing. I need a nickname for you guys. Instead of just calling you my fans. I need a cute or clever name for you guys. I'd prefer it to have something to do with my username but my fandoms work too. I've already gotten several suggestions but I'm not sure about any of them. So, please, if you have any suggestions, do tell! :) The term fans is just so boring.

I lied, I have another thing to say. xD Don't forget about my secrets tally! That's right, I'm still doing that! The very last chapter of this book will be a tally/list of all the secrets that have been kept, attempted at being kept, or revealed in this book. So don't forget to comment any and all of the secrets you've noticed. I know all of them but I wanna see just how much you guys have been paying attention. ;) A few people have commented but they weren't even close to the amount of secrets in this book.

Ok guys, that's all!! Peace out my -name to be determined later-!


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