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Dean's POV

"Damnit!" I exclaimed as the demon bitch knocked the knife out of my hand. It skittered across the floor and stopped right next to where Sam was fighting his demon. I hardly had any time to react because the demon threw a punch into my gut. I doubled over, wrapping my arms around my stomach. I heard her snicker and anger boiled up inside me. They were not going to win so easily.

I glanced up just as the demon lunged at me and quickly moved out of her way, sending her sprawling to the ground. "Sam!" I called out. He glanced at me just in time to see me motion to the knife. Unfortunately, he was too preoccupied with his demon. The guy noticed his brief, lost focus and kicked his feet out from under. He fell on his back, the wind knocked out of him.

"Looks like your little brother can't help you now." The demon bitch sneered, getting ready to lunge at me again. "No, but I can." A feminine voice, Amber's voice, came from behind her, sounding confident. "Wh-" The demon began just as Amber dusted her with salt. She cried out in pain, putting her hands to her smoking face. "Dean!" Amber shouted, and within seconds the demon blade was back in my hand.

"Go help Sam!" I told her, grabbing the demon by the arm. She didn't reply and ran off to help my brother. "You were saying?" I said to the demon. She tried to spit at me with blood in her mouth, but it didn't really work out. "Go to Hell." She spat. I smirked. "Been there, done that." Then I stabbed her. She flashed orange and yellow and then went limp.

I pulled the knife out, dropping the corpse to the ground and looked up to see how Sam and Cas were doing. Cas was still fighting his demon, but Sam and Amber had theirs under control. I watched as Amber hit him in the face with salt and motioned for Sam to stab him. I couldn't hear anything that was going on, but I saw Sam hold his angel blade out to Amber. She said something to him, shaking her head. It looked like he was encouraging her to take it. She gave him a reluctant look and slipped the angel blade out of his hand, replacing it with the salt shaker.

The demon stood up and laughed at the image of her with a weapon. Sam wiped the smirk off his face with another dose of salt, and as he was screaming in pain, Amber jabbed him in the gut with the angel blade. A silent scream and a flash of orange later, we had another limp body, and Amber had just killed her first demon. She looked proud and traumatized at the same time. That was exactly how I felt the first time I killed a demon, given the fact that there was a person in there. At least her first time, she was reluctant...

I hadn't even realized the noise of battle had ended. There was an eerie silence in the room. Amber and Sam were staring behind me, and I turned to see Castiel face-to-face with his demon. The demon was looking back and forth between Castiel, me, and Amber and Sam. He actually looked like he was scared. That emotion vanished from his face as quickly as it had come. He smiled a devious smile and smoked out, just as Cas took a step toward him. I couldn't tell if the man was dead because he lay there, unmoving.

"Damnit!" Cas exclaimed, turning to face us with an angry look. "I should have moved sooner! That demon knows the truth and sooner or later, others will too." I glanced around at everyone in the room and stopped when I noticed the others peeking in from the kitchen. Including Liam, Michael, and Danny. "Alright everybody. Pack your crap. We're going on a little road trip."

"Wait, what?" Dakota stepped out of the kitchen, sounding shocked. "I can't leave! I have school and so does Phil!" I gave her a sympathetic look. I knew how much she liked school. I didn't understand it, but I knew. It was Sam who spoke up." Koda, it's not safe here. For any of you. We need to take you all somewhere safe."

"Like where?" Arya asked. I glanced at Sam and Amber, grinning. "The bunker."

"Really?!" Dakota asked, excited. I knew she would be okay with it if she knew where we were going. "Alright, forget school. I can do all my assignments online."

"Ok, so we're all in agreement?" I asked, kind of as a rhetorical question. They weren't getting out of this. "Um, Dean?" Amber piped up. "We can't bring Liam, Michael, and Danny." I glanced at the three wide-eyed boys in the kitchen. Damn, she was right. They didn't belong in the middle of this. I turned to Cas. "Cas. Can you, um, you know?" I asked, motioning towards the boys. He looked confused at first but then realized what I was asking. "Of course." He replied, walking over to the boys and leading them into the kitchen.

"Alright! Phil, Arya, let's get packin'." I urged them to start. We needed to get out of here soon. They nodded and hurried up the stairs with Amber and Dakota on their heels.


Sam, Cas, and I waited downstairs for them. They moved fast and came back down in less than fifteen minutes. "Are the boys...?" Amber started. I nodded, stopping her mid-sentence. "They're at home, resting." Cas answered. "They'll only remember that they went to a party and got drunk. It was the logical thing to do." Amber smiled.

"Alright, let's hit the road." I said, clapping my hands together.

"Wait." Sam said. "We don't have enough room for everyone in the Impala." Everyone glanced around the room at each other, trying to think of a good scenario that would allow us all to get back to the bunker safely.

"I could take someone along with me." Cas offered. I nodded at him. I almost forgot he was an angel and could 'fly' to the bunker. Before I could ask who that someone would be, Phil said, "I'll go with Cas. I'm sure the girls would rather stay together." The three girls smiled at him gratefully.

"Okay then. We should leave now. There's no sense in waiting." Cas said, walking over to Phil. "Are you ready?" Phil took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and nodded. Cas stood next to him and placed his hand on Phil's shoulder, then raised two fingers to his forehead, and they were both gone before I could say 'We'll meet you there.'

"Well, we should get going. Amber and Koda still have to pack." I said, and everyone nodded, following me out the door. Baby was parked right in front of the apartment, and as soon as I saw her, I regretted parking her there.

"Aw, come on, damnit!" I exclaimed, bending down next to the car. "What the hell is with demons and keying cars lately?!" I had literally just gotten Baby fixed after Abaddon and her followers keyed her the first time.

"You've had a demon key your car before?" Arya asked in astonishment. I stood up, aggravated, and walked over to the driver side. "I don't wanna talk about it." She didn't ask any more questions after that. "We can fix the Impala when we get to the bunker. It'll be safer." Sam offered. I sighed but nodded. We obviously had no other choice. Sammy and I could handle ourselves, sure, but we had the girls to look out for too.

"Alright everybody, hop in. I wanna get out of this soon-to-be demon infested town and to the bunker so I can get this crap off of my car." I heard a snicker as everyone piled in but couldn't tell who it came from. Then we were on our way to Amber and Dakota's apartment.

**ANOTHER UPDATE! Don't you guys just love me? This is the most I've updated since I got wattpad taken off my nook. It's been, what? 3 times now? In like the past 2 weeks? Something like that. :) I had to update today because what better day to give you guys the next chapter of my first fanfiction than my BIRTHDAY. I don't mean to go around being all like 'HEY ITS MY BIRTHDAY' 'GUESS WHAT ITS MY BIRTHDAY' but it is. xD This is the first birthday that I can celebrate with all of you on wattpad!! So that's special to me. And if you must know, I am 16 today. :)

Anyway, YAY GO AMBER. YOU SMITE THOSE DEMONS. I loved writing these chapters, and I hope you enjoyed reading them!!

You'll be happy to know that my original statement of like 13 chapters left is now a lie. I keep thinking of new things that I want to happen in THIS fanfiction, not the sequel. Plus, this chapter and the previous were supposed to be one but the previous one was longer than I expected it to be, and I thought the way I ended it was perfect. So I split it into 2. :) So fortunately for all you fans, there are still quite a few chapters left before the end.

Until the next update...


[[[ Hey! It's sunshinelion_man_ updating for sky! Happy Birthday girl!!!]]]

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