i. | skills

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i. | skills

*deep breath*

I generally hate it when the main character is skilled with weapons. It's just laziness, because it shows that the author doesn't want or care about that part of the OC development.

Like, if you were in the army, or your parents were into guns, I get it. But why is it so random? It's almost as if everyone suddenly turns into Katniss Everdeen as soon as the world goes to shit.

Don't get me wrong, some fanfics out there are pretty good, and they explain the character's set of skills really well. The thing is, it would be much more realistic if we could go on the journey with the character, you know? What I mean is that it would be more interesting if we could read about the character learning how to use weapons like guns, etc. We, the readers, should know about how the OC is struggling with firing a gun.

So, when Tiffany comes leaping out from a tree with a fucking bow and arrow, it's not cool. It's irritating. Plus, you need to be really strong to pull back a bow every five seconds. Not realistic in an apocalyptic scenario when you're gonna get your shit handed back to you whenever you turn your back.

Why don't some of the characters have the mighty flame thrower or sledge hammer? Because it's always a goddamn crossbow or bow and arrow. Not everyone in the world is Daryl Dixon. Stop pretending that your character is on the same level as him.

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