twd text messages

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twd text messages

Rick created a group

Rick: I can't believe he's dead

Daryl: who?

Rick: Carl 😭😭

Daryl: oh lol sucks to be you

Rick: ok that's rude

Daryl: when Merle died, none of y'all gave me support

Rick: Merle was a cock

Daryl: he was my cock

Daryl: wait

Michonne: it's okay Rick ily

Rick: no I'm done with u too like wtf why is this happening I miss Lori omg her pussy was sooooooooo good 🐱💕💯🙈

Rosita: hey so I've been missing for about three weEk now, can someone explain where I am and why

Aaron: okay low-key can't remember if I died or not?

Rick: u didn't die, Eric did

Aaron: oh fuck

Abraham: don't worry pal, you still have Judith

Rick: isn't that incest?

Abraham: I didn't mean it like that

Rick: hehehehe neither did I 😶😏😥💕🔥

Daryl: ok stop with the emojis

Enid: did I die?????

Daryl: no but your bf did

Enid: okay for real can the people running this show actually realise that half of the cast haven't even been fucking shown

Abraham: ye she has a point, they're loosing views.

Daryl changed Abraham's name to 'Big Ginger'

Big Ginger: thank u

Daryl: I gotcha

Aurora: also this dumbass author unpublished the book, my book, her FIRST book. What a snake.

Rosita: okay Aurora just because you got evicted from your book doesn't mean you can come here.

Aurora: im just saying 🐍

Rick: so when is the funeral

Daryl: we're not having a funeral for Carl

Rick: you're saying he's not dead??

Daryl: no hes as dead as a doorknob bhahahahaha an

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