xxiv. | guidelines of twd

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xxiv. | guidelines of twd

Mommas back

I feel like a lot of people don't quite understand that you can't change character's personalities, and you just cannot do certain things. So, fear not, for I have crawled out of the depts of hell to write this.

- Andrea is not a bitch

- Neither is Lori

- Or Beth

- Or Maggie

- Literally none of the characters are full time bitches, okay?

- Shane isn't a rapist who for some reason has an obsession with your character

- The same goes for the Governor ^

- Your OC won't fall in love in the second chapter

- Daryl most likely doesn't like sexual stuff

- Carl is young and not into sex

- He also doesn't bully people smh

- What happened to Bob, Abraham, Father Gabriel, Sasha???

- Not everything that happens in the show, has to happen to your character

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