vii. | mean girls

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vii. | mean girls

This really pisses me off, because our strong and independent characters shouldn't be ruined by the immature children in this fandom. 

Why is it that people feel the need to change the personality of the characters? Like I said in previous chapters, Daryl isn't a kind hearted father, but it's not just Daryl thats being changed. For all you new authors out there, here are some common 'character changes' that you should not make.

Shane only loved Lori. No, he doesn't want your character. He isn't some sick rapist who develops a weird obsession with you. Similarly, he isn't a paedophile. Shane is a man who wants love *sobbing* give the maN LOVE.

Rick is not a control freak (most of the time). If Carl found someone he loved, Rick wouldn't try to kill them or threaten them. And, with Shane, Rick isn't a rapist or abuser.

Carl is not a sexually active boy. He's traumatised and vulnerable.

Beth was not a bitch. She was the hope for the group, and she wanted everyone to be happy. How can you look at Beth and think she's a bitch? It's all these fangirls who think Daryl should be with them, so they beat Beth up in their fanfics because she connected with Daryl emotionally.

I'm sick to death of people hating on Lori. She slept with two goddamn people. She thought Rick was dead so she went to Shane for comfort. She wasn't a bitch; she was hormonal from being pregnant.

Isn't Regina George. Your character isn't Cady Heron.

Good day sir.

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