my absentness explained

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I just want to first apologise for disappearing so suddenly. I think I updated Rehab and Colours, and then I was gone, and that was very wrong of me to do so. I understand that you are all waiting for an update, but if I'm honest, I don't know whether an update of any of my books is coming in the near future.

A lot of things has been happening in my life. I got a diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder, and all my friendships irl have been thrown about. I'm kind of in a position where I don't know who I am, and by that I mean that I've been dissociating a lot more than usual.

Also this year, I have a set of exams called the Junior Cert, which is basically these really important exams which I have to study for 24/7, because they'll help me get a job. If you're Irish like me, then you'll get how stressful the teachers and pretty much everyone are making it. So I don't have the motivation to write anymore.

I am in no way saying this is goodbye. And I hope it isn't. Because I do love you all, and I love these books, but at this time, it just isn't right for me. I need to focus on getting my life on track, trying to stay positive, and actually living.

So chances are, my wattpad will be on hiatus for a while, but if you want to talk to me, you can message me on my Instagram (aimee.ray), or my spam Instagram (, if you want to. I'm always here if you need to chat, and I'll still be answering any messages I get, along with comments.

I hope you're all having a great morning/evening/whatever time, and I'll see you all shortly.

Love, always,
Aimee ❤️

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