lviii. | author appreciation

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lviii. | author appreciation

I can't be the only active author who had noticed this, and there's not an easy way to say it, so I'm just gonna be blunt.

If you read a book, vote for the chapter as well.

Out of 50 views per chapter, I'd say only half of those people actually vote and comment. And all I can ask is why? Authors put so much effort into their books, and it's nice to know you guys like it.

I can identify the people who I know appreciate me, because I respond to comments, and I honestly love you for it. I just don't understand why some people don't vote but they read the chapter. If you like it, then show your support.

This isn't just for the Walking Dead community, either, it's Wattpad in general. And I see it everywhere, so don't think you can escape it lol.

Does anyone agree with me?

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