xci. | crybaby

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xci. | crybaby

Those character deaths that are purely there just so people pay attention to the OC, and then in the next chapter, their death is completely irrelevant.

You know what I'm talking about. When Tiffany isn't close with Andrea at all, but for some reason, her death really upsets her. This goes for pretty much everyone in the TWD cast. Why even bother letting your OC have a reaction if it'll only last one chapter?

I get that you don't want to drag on the grieving process, but there's a difference between mourning, and moaning. Learn. The. Difference.

Tiffany wouldn't be bawling her eyes out and having a panic attack on the day of Lori's death, to then be okay the day after. Literally, the minute someone comforts her, she's fine.

And this goes for your OC replacing everyone else's feelings with her. Suddenly, Carl doesn't cry, and Rick doesn't feel helpless. Their only emotion is love for Tiffany, and the only thing they do is make sure she's okay. Bitch, what the fuck?

~ Aimee x

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