xxi. | drama overload

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xxi. | drama overload

I think that some people wanna watch this fandom burn. I mean, I do, but that's not the point shut up.

The walking dead fandom is alive because we all love the characters. They're diverse, smart, and they all know how to handle situations. With the group, there's no intense drama. It's black and white thinking, with very little grey area.

It's an apocalypse, and everyone needs to work together. If you wanted pregnancy scares, bitch fights, bullying, and sleeping around, then you should of written a Highschool AU Fanfiction.

Let's be realistic here. Do you really think that a group trying to survive an apocalypse would have that much drama? Like, who gives a shit whether someone slept with someone else. Push them in front of a walker, it's no big deal.

I'd say the only intense drama that happened was Rick finding out about Lori being pregnant, plus the whole Shane stuff. Even then, there was a plot line that was actually good.

The group isn't the Kardashian family. Rick wouldn't stand for all the bullshit, and he'd sort it out. Near the start of the show, Shane, Andrea, Lori and Dale wouldn't take it either. This kinda empathises how important their personalities are to the show. You can't fuck up their personalities.

Thank you *drops mic*

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