140: Rape

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Rape is such a delicate chapter so I'm sorry if I offend anyone. I'll try not to, babes, and if anybody has a problem with what I say, message me.

So, rape in the walking dead university isn't that unlikely, if I'm honest. It's a matter of when it would happen, and who would be the perpatrayer. The only time, in my eyes, that rape would happen if your OC is with the group is if they ran into the same people that Rick, Michonne, and Carl ran into. I can't remember who they are, but they tried raping Michonne and Carl.

The other time was Gareth's groups before it got taken over by those men, who raped the women and forced Gareth to kill them? I think that's how it went? Anyway, Shane wouldn't rape your character, and I can't think of any already written characters that would.

Now, aside from that, rape is very delicate. When writing a character who has been raped, you need to make the emotional effects last a long time.

They would have trouble sleeping, eating, and I'm sure they would suffer from a form of PTSD, or anxiety, something like that. Rape is something that doesn't go away in a while. It takes healing.

So no, Carl wouldn't be able to kiss away her pain. I'm pretty sure that if she was raped, she would be in so much emotional pain that she would be terrified to go near anyone.


Wouldn't STDs be a thing? I mean, maybe not necessarily, but it's a possibility. And, I'm not 100% on the treatmeant for STDs, but it would be difficult. The same with AIDs.

Writing a character who gets raped? That's fine. Just make sure you know what you're doing, okay?



Have you remembered to; drink some water, eat an apple, taken your medicine (if necessary), had a shower, and gone for a short walk? Self care is important ❤️

Love you guys,

~ Aimee x

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