xcix. | inconsiderate people

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xcix. | inconsiderate people

I don't know the title of this chapter okay don't kill me.

So, I'm going to hit raw nerves for people, and either people are gonna get offended, or agree with me, so let's dive headfirst into the rabbit hole then panic because we've gone too far and oh god it's so dark down here why the fuck was this a good idea HOLY SHIt here's a spider and-

Now, this chapter isn't directed at every reader here, just at the people that are starting to piss the frickedy frack out of me.

*deep inhale*

Okay, I know my updates have been irregular, but I have excuses (mental health, and I don't have wifi), but my excuses don't need to be justified. So don't message me asking for an update on '_____', and don't spam my comments asking, because I will not drop what I'm doing just so you, the clear princess, is going to find out whether Aurora and Glenn get married. I appreciate the support, but please, it puts pressure on me and other authors.

The second thing is, I have a review book for a reason. And that review book is on hold whilst I catch up with the 20+ books I need to read and critique. I have said this so many times, but do not comment on my message board, or PM me, asking for me to read your book. I'm pretty polite, so I'll say, "if I get time", but that translates to never.

God, that felt so good to get off my chest.

Comment more things because I'm uncreative

~ Aimee x

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