xlv. | incest

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xlv. | incest

How have I not wrote about this? Oh, right, cause it's fucked up and disgusting for real, dudes. Like, how do you sleep at night thinking, "mhm, yes, time to fuck my cousin."

Okay, so in fairness, I haven't actually read a book with Incest BUT incase anybody is thinking about doing so, hear me out.

First off, incest is fucked up. Like, period. It can be emotionally damaging to the person involved, and if the woman gets pregnant by incest, the baby can be disabled, i.e, learning disabilites, austism, etc.

I don't understand how people find incest hot. Why? This isn't Game of Thrones, it's The Walking Dead. We have standards.

Its bad enough that Tiffany regularly has sex with literally everyone, but now its with her brother? Hoe, slow down.

Nah, but for real, incest is actually serious. Its the same as talking about romantisicing rape, self-harm, etc. Its not a joke, and it can be tramatising. And I'm pretty sure victims can develop PTSD and anxiety, even if it's consensual. Just, stay away from it and make normal fucking relationships.

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